The Graceful Halls

The Graceful Halls stand as central hubs for the Elegants, serving both as their guild headquarters and a gathering place. Here, new recruits receive their training, while established Elegants converge from across the empire for updates, rest, and engaging in refined social games.   Each major city boasts at least one Graceful Hall, typically nestled in the affluent districts. Architecturally, these halls are divided into three key sections: the ladies' wing, the gentlemen's wing, and a central wing for communal activities. Additionally, expansive gardens and a separate campus for trainees augment each hall's facilities.   The administration of each hall is jointly overseen by two principal figures – a Head Principal Lady and a Head Principal Gentleman. They coordinate a team of administrators and prefects, each responsible for different facets and departments within the hall.   While The Graceful Halls are steeped in educational and cultural pursuits, they maintain a strict non-political stance, deliberately avoiding any involvement or alignment with political factions. However, they actively collaborate with educational institutions and entertainment sectors, both as a strategy to scout potential recruits and to stay abreast of advancements in arts and sciences.


The numerous members of the guild are simply called Elegants or Ladies and Gentlemen in an unformal addressing. The students that attend the campus at the graceful halls are ranked simply as "Juniors", "Seniors" and "Apprentices". Elegants with jobs at the graceful halls are simply being referred using their job title, for example: "Lady Librarian" or "Gentleman Teacher". Administrative Elegants are chosen by the head principals of the halls. Head of the halls are "Head Principals". While other Elegants in charge of important sections of management and halls are called "Principals". Head principals of the halls are chosen by administrative Elegants from a defined list prepared by the Master Elegant. Elegant that handles all halls and organizations relationships in a city is "Master Elegant". Master Elegant is chosen by Head Principals in the city and approved by the Grace. Head of the guild is "Grace". The Grace is chosen from Master Elegants in a secret vote. In case of undecisive vote the Head Principals are added to the vote as well.


Elegants hold a firm belief in the potent combination of articulate speech and their innate abilities to enhance words and gestures, using these to subtly sway and manipulate their interactions. They champion a culture of high sophistication, preferring the complex and intricate over the simple and direct. This preference is reflected in their games, social interactions, artistic expressions, and mannerisms. An Elegant typically engages in indirect communication, favoring nuanced hints and circumlocutory approaches, allowing them more time for contemplation and extended engagement in "The Game" – their term for the art of social interplay.   Reflecting these values, the architecture of the Graceful Halls embodies these principles of sophistication and complex thought. While each hall has a main building and two wings, their design is far from straightforward. Each city's hall boasts unique architectural features and hidden marvels. Staircases and corridors serve not just practical purposes but may lead to unexpected places like balconies, observation domes, or even culminate in dead ends adorned with captivating artwork that invites hours of contemplation. The interior spaces, from classrooms to common areas, are designed with both elegance and functionality in mind, offering aesthetic pleasure in their furnishings and decorations. Abundant gardens and tea rooms, along with thoughtfully placed reflection spaces, make time seem elusive within these walls, necessitating the strategic placement of numerous clocks for practical timekeeping.   In alignment with their high cultural values, the Graceful Halls are equipped with lavish dining rooms staffed by top-tier chefs, exclusive casinos with sophisticated bars, art galleries, theaters, and more, all catering to the Elegants' refined tastes and love for cultural sophistication.

Public Agenda

The Graceful Halls serve primarily as a sanctuary and headquarters for all Elegants, offering a tranquil space for contemplation and a respite from the bustling city life. These complex structures, with their labyrinthine halls and rooms, also occasionally provide shelter for Elegants seeking refuge or in need of a discreet hideaway.   For corporates and the empire seeking the unique services of an Elegant, whether for business transactions or to join elite task forces, the Graceful Halls are the go-to destination. Here, they can access a comprehensive roster detailing the qualifications and specialties of available Elegants, facilitating the process of finding the ideal candidate for their needs.   Beyond serving the Elegants, the halls also function as educational centers. They offer rigorous training programs for aspiring Elegants, alongside providing higher education opportunities to the general populace, with courses taught by Elegants themselves. This dual educational role not only nurtures new talent within the organization but also extends its influence and expertise to the wider community.   The casinos within the Graceful Halls, open to the public during specified hours and days, represent another facet of the organization's operations, contributing significantly to its revenue stream.   However, the core focus of the organization is the mastery of "The Game" – the art of social and emotional manipulation. To this end, the organization actively promotes debates, competitions, and practical applications of these skills. It leverages its extensive network to integrate its members into various businesses and diplomatic entities, thereby ensuring that Elegants remain at the forefront of social influence and negotiation.


The true extent of the Graceful Halls' wealth is shrouded in mystery, but widespread speculation suggests it is colossal, possibly rivaling even the empire's treasury. As an organization, the Graceful Halls wield considerable influence across a myriad of business and diplomatic sectors. While they don't directly own many businesses, their provision of strategic counsel and advisory services to various enterprises ensures a steady flow of income.   A significant portion of their revenue comes from their educational and gambling establishments. The universities under the Graceful Halls are renowned, sitting at the pinnacle of academic excellence. This prestige naturally translates into substantial earnings. Moreover, all Elegants employed in corporations, other organizations, and within the empire are obligated to pay a levy to the Graceful Halls, based on their income and rank, further bolstering the organization's financial stability.   Art in all its forms is greatly treasured by the Graceful Halls, leading to the establishment of museums showcasing their extensive collections. The value of these art pieces is monumental; for instance, it's rumored that the collection in Kapa alone could finance a small army for a year.   Despite their formidable resources, the Graceful Halls do not heavily invest in physical defenses or armed forces, as such measures are seldom needed. The Elegants, known for their fencing prowess, find their true strength in their societal and imperial importance. The organization enjoys the backing of both the empire and various corporates, making any hostile actions against the Graceful Halls a folly for those of sound mind.   Additionally, the Graceful Halls' assets extend beyond the expected; they include not just casinos and schools, but also brothels. Yet, their contributions to the community are diverse, encompassing orphanages, inns, and soup kitchens. This varied portfolio not only demonstrates their financial acumen but also their commitment to social welfare, further cementing their indispensable role in society.

verbum coram gladio (Word before Sword)

Guild, Professional
Ladies and Gentlemen, Elegants


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