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Err'Haldur, once a beacon of dwarven prosperity nestled within the heart of the kingdom of Dhil Ahldur, stands as a testament to the cyclical nature of power and tragedy. From its humble beginnings as a thriving mining outpost to its current state under the iron grip of the fearsome red dragon Valthruna Flameheart, the fortress's history is a tapestry woven with threads of ambition, wealth, and ultimately, conquest.  


Founded centuries ago amidst the craggy peaks of the Dhil Ahldur mountain range, Err'Haldur quickly rose to prominence as a vital hub of dwarven industry and commerce. Blessed with rich veins of precious ores and gemstones, the fortress became renowned for its massive mining ventures, drawing skilled artisans and ambitious entrepreneurs from across the kingdom.  

Massive Mining Ventures

Under the stewardship of its ruling houses, Err'Haldur's mining operations flourished, yielding a bounty of valuable resources that fueled the kingdom's economy and cemented the fortress's status as a linchpin of dwarven prosperity. House Stonebeard's mastery of mining techniques and House Ironhammer's expertise in metallurgy ensured that Err'Haldur's output of precious metals and finely crafted goods was unmatched.  

Ruling Houses

The governance of Err'Haldur was entrusted to three prominent ruling houses, each wielding influence and authority within the fortress's hallowed halls:   House Ironhammer
Renowned for their skill in smithing and craftsmanship, House Ironhammer forged the weapons and armor that defended Err'Haldur's borders and bolstered its defenses.   House Stonebeard
Masters of mining and gemcutting, House Stonebeard oversaw the fortress's vast underground mines, extracting riches from the earth with unmatched precision.   House Brightshield
Valiant defenders of Err'Haldur, House Brightshield commanded the fortress's military forces and ensured its security against external threats.  

Fall to Darkness

For the past three decades, Err'Haldur has languished under the tyrannical rule of Valthruna Flameheart, a fearsome red dragon whose fiery wrath knows no bounds. Seizing control of the fortress with devastating force, Valthruna has transformed Err'Haldur into her personal domain, ruling from the depths of its labyrinthine chambers with an iron claw.  

Valthruna's Lair

Deep within the fortress's bowels lies Valthruna's lair, a nightmarish realm shrouded in the flickering glow of molten lava. Here, amidst the infernal heat and choking fumes, the dragon queen holds court atop an island in a lake of seething magma, her presence casting a shadow of dread over all who dare to approach.  

Servants of Darkness

Valthruna's dominion is enforced by a legion of dark servants, including red kobolds and evil dwarven duergar, who labor tirelessly to satisfy her insatiable greed. The duergar toil endlessly in the mines, extracting gemstones and riches to line the dragon's hoard, while the kobolds, under the direction of their leading shamans, oversee Valthruna's hatchery, where twisted experiments in draconic breeding take place.   Err'Haldur's history is a tragic tale of ambition and betrayal, of a once-proud fortress brought low by the merciless grip of a draconic tyrant. As Valthruna Flameheart's reign stretches into its third decade, the future of Err'Haldur hangs in the balance, its halls echoing with the cries of the oppressed and the whispers of those who still dare to dream of freedom.
Est. 250
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