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Session 10: Journey to Hirschenheim

General Summary

Travelling along the imperial road towards Festenfort, the party had sent the gnome Mr. Nacklenook ahead to investigate as they pushed onwards along the edge of the Heilenholz Forest. After two and a half day on the road, pushing their mounts to the limit, they made it to the small village of Loupine. Jerrycoy recalled that this village had been in contact with his druidic order. The leaders of the village had namely contracted lycanthropy, but with the guidance of Jerrycoys order, they managed to get their affliction under control and now use it to prowl the area for signs of undeath.   Knowing that Thomas had an uncomfortable past with lycans, Jerrycoy kept this detail quiet, but urged the group not to involve themselves. They got themselves a room in the local inn and barred the door behind them. Pander tried to gather some rumours, but nothing came up that intrested him, so he decided to spread some gossip. During the night all but Thomas were awoken by a howl and sounds of a struggle. After the halfling and the dwarf had gone back to bed, Jerrycoy snuck out to investigate. He saw two young men and the innkeeper behind the inn. The men had large wounds all over their body. The innkeeper scorned them before they all left.   The next day Jerrycoy elected to speak to the village elder about the curfuffle. Thomas, Pander and the squire Sigmund went to fetch their horses. Jerrycoy and Úshrir spoke to the elder who revealed that it was an issue of the newer generation having a tough time keeping their temper in check, but assured them that they were handling it. He purfusely apolagized to Jerrycoy and his order for the disturbance. The druid then asked if they had located any undead in the area, and the elder revealed that they had tracked a vampire into the city of Hirschenheim, where they can't follow him. But he did ensure them that the undead is still in the city, last he heard.   Following this trail, and with the city already in their path, the party left immediatly. Pushing their horses even further, they managed to make it to the city within the next day. Well there they decided to try and get their weapons enchanted in case they end up in a fight against the undead. They went to the shop The Safe Bet Enchanter, where they met Anthony Graham. After a short conversation with the Osnarian enchanter, they decided to divulge their possesion of the magical shard from Hexenberg and ask him to use it to improve Thomas pistol. They also asked him to enhance Úshrir's maul. He agreed to both and in exchange for an extra hundred gold on top of the several hundred they already paid. They also found out that a man who may have been Lazarus had come by and had a wand enchanted with the shard from Crackstone.   After finishing their business, they left and went to the blacksmith to get a replacement weapon for Úshrir to have in the five days it would take to finish the job. In the meantime, Pander had gone gone to the temple of Erastil, and then to the library of Hirchenheim to learn a bit about a possible shard in the area, but only found information on the forest itself. He then met up with the rest outside the blacksmith. Together they entered and saw three dwarves gathered around a pale man with blang hair and a bronze wand with a head shaped like a dwarf's head. He turned and smiled at them with long sharp canines.
Shards of Power
Pander Pimpos Flintfellow
Ùshrir Akrul
Lawful Neutral Mountain Dwarf (Soldier)
Paladin 6
54 / 54 HP
Jerrycoy Lefouj
Thomas Gaston
Report Date
27 Jul 2023
Primary Location


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