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Session 12: The Labyrinth

General Summary

The party set out from Hirschenheim, leaving Pander behind to gather further clues about the vampire they are pursuing. Following their map and with a werewolf guide to lead them, they easily traveled the two-day journey to the temple they sought. Well there, they met four more members of the werewolf pack from Loupine. One of them in particular was really familiar to Thomas. It was his brother.   Believing that he killed his brother along with the rest of his family that one night long ago as they attacked him, he did not know what to do. His brother, as they approached, recognised his little brother. He immediately walked to him and with his fist closed he punched him right in the face before he had the chance to react. He then prepared to pounce on the gunslinger to punch him more but was stopped by his packmates. Yelling about how his brother murdered their family and that he demanded the family sword that Thomas was carrying. Thomas refused calling it his burden to bear. His brother, named Butch, spat at him at this. Jerrycoy managed to calm them all down and told them to deal with this after they were finished down in the temple.   As they entered the giant gate adorned with the symbol of a bat, they went down into a room where they found a chest. As they ventured forward down into what turned out to be a labyrinth, they were faced with deadly acid and poison traps. Through it all, they also encountered lumbering minotaurs. The first one they managed to hide from, and as they did they noticed that it moved as if it was undead. The second one they encountered also noticed them, thus a battle broke out. A battle in which Ushrir's squire Sigmund almost lost his life. After shutting all passages behind them to avoid further conflict. They continued down the small rooms of the labyrinth, and found a tomb and even another exit, with footprints both coming and going to the labyrinth.
Shards of Power
Ùshrir Akrul
Lawful Neutral Mountain Dwarf (Soldier)
Paladin 6
54 / 54 HP
Jerrycoy Lefouj
Thomas Gaston
Report Date
06 Sep 2023


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