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Session 13: The Shaft

General Summary

As the party reached the surface again through the new exit, they noticed that the werewolves had been blessed by the company of Pander. They called him over to them and had the werewolves guard the new entrance as well and they went back down into the labyrinth. Inside they ventured forth, trying and failing to follow the tracks into the winding paths. Narrowly avoiding another trap, they reached an impasse. But Ushrir and Jerrycoy managed to spot a secret door in the wall.    Inside they were met by a vampiric figure standing by a pedestal with a chest on it. Around the room, they also saw a bunch of skeletons. The figure invited them in to help him investigate the chest, which he had been struggling with for some time. But as the party began to ask a bunch of personal questions about the figure he became more and more weary. In the end, a fight broke out. As the figure teleported around to surprise them, the skeletons all rose to fight.    The fight didn't last long, however, since the party managed to paralyze the figure. Thomas, who had been injured by the figure's magic blades, and who had his pistol break mid-combat, had repaired his weapon and used Judgement to not only shoot the vampire's head off but, most of its upper torso with his pistol's divine energy. The party quickly dispatched the skeletons and cleared the room.    As they now investigated the pedestal they noticed that the chest seemed to have been turned to stone by magic and thus became part of the pedestal itself. The group searched the rest of the room and managed to find a secret hatch that required the same kind of key as the chest they smashed upon entry to the labyrinth. Pander knelt down and tried to pick the lock. By some miracle, he succeeded and inside the hatch, they found a scroll. With the scroll they turned the chest back to normal and inside they found a stick. Upon further investigation, they found that the scroll was actually the shaft of Torags Hammer. Jerrycoy picked up the staff.    The group decided to try and explore the labyrinth further. Ushrir got another acid spray as he stepped on a trap. They then found a door, and when they knocked on it they alerted an undead minotaur on the other side. Ushrir managed to grab its horns as it broke through the door and with incredible strength he ripped the skull apart.    Continuing further they stumbled onto some shields lying about. They then found some more shields in the next room. Peering into the the next room over, Jerrycoy saw a wyvern laying on a pile of shields, fast asleep.
Shards of Power
Pander Pimpos Flintfellow
Ùshrir Akrul
Lawful Neutral Mountain Dwarf (Soldier)
Paladin 6
54 / 54 HP
Jerrycoy Lefouj
Thomas Gaston
Report Date
22 Sep 2023


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