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Session 20: Bloody Mess

General Summary

After looking up some sources in town, the group realized that it would be very difficult to get inside of the imperial tomb. During their research, Ushrir and Himmler met with an eccentric Professor in the library thats seemed to have some insight into the construction of the tomb, talking about living stone. They came to an understanding that they might be able to help each other if they brought him certain ingredients.    Instead they focused on some rumors that had floated around town regarding a vampire that had been slain. It had turned out that the vampire was in fact not a vampire, but a nobleman. This created quite the stir for the local monster hunting guild. These news together with the tidings Heiwa had brought from her family that a new nobleman had been invited into the palace to meet with the imperial council by a rivaling family to Heiwa. They decided to look further into this. Nacklenook met up with an old contact named Katarina Blackstone, a tiefling boss in the criminal world of Zimmerheim. She knew a bit about the new nobleman in town and called him Günter Kling, a local noblemans brother. Thomas also looked up an old contact, a bounty hunter named Ulrich Sternhart. He had a lot of intel on the nobleman that was killed and named him as Victor Kling, the brother of the newly arrived Günter Kling.    After discussing these revelations they decided to break into the Kling family estate in order to try and get some answers. After making it inside, they search high and low, until they found a secret basement. Down in which they found a wine cellar that was protected by two ghouls and a strange dark spirit that controlled chains. After slaying it they found that it was the body of Victor Kling, possessed. They also found a years supply of blood. They stole as much of this as they could before smashing the rest and writing cryptic messages on the walls, telling the blood-drinker to stay out of this territory and that this territory was taken. They then left in the dark.
Shards of Power
Mikum Himmler Naysayer
Boddynock Nackle
Ùshrir Akrul
Lawful Neutral Mountain Dwarf (Soldier)
Paladin 6
54 / 54 HP
Thomas Gaston
Report Date
21 Apr 2024
Primary Location


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