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Session 23: An Odd Offer

General Summary

The party finished their business in the Glittering Grove before heading back out on the road and making it to Waldenheim. They made their way past the shimmering bubble-like shield that seperated the town from the forest and furhter inside the magnificent artwork of a city that was the capital of the Shielwald. Ushrir managed to finally find a armoursmith that could fit his plate armour, as well as engrave Wraithbreakers name on it. The rest of the party began to search for clues of a shard being present. They quickly theorised that it might be the source of the bubble that protected the town.    During this search they found out that a sculpturer had arrived at the counts abode, as well as two nobles that had taken up work in the cathedral of Shelyn, as well as the academy of arts. They were the siblings Evert and Evelyn von Nachtigall. After researching these two and later breaking into Evelyn's office they found out that these were working on the instructions of Günter von Kling, the by the party suspected vampire in the imperial capital.    After fetching Ushrir's armour and delivering this evidence to the temple, they were sought out by Evelyn who told them kindly to back off. The evidence they sent had been intercepted by Evert who worked at the temple and thus Evelyn wanted to speak to them. She told them that they might be using the instructions of Günter, now confirmed to be Lazarus, but that they were planning on betraying him and to use the shards to restore their family's position of power.    She invited them to meet once more to discuss the matter of Lazarus and the shard hidden in Waldenheim, that very night. The party accepted and then tailed her back to the temple before heding back to discuss their next action.
Shards of Power
Boddynock Nackle
Ùshrir Akrul
Lawful Neutral Mountain Dwarf (Soldier)
Paladin 6
54 / 54 HP
Thomas Gaston
Report Date
28 Jun 2024
Primary Location


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