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Session 4: The Undead Hunt

General Summary

Upon finally meeting the legend described by Jerrycoy, Ushrír and Pander introduce themselves to Thomas Gaston. Togehter they decided that the dwarf and the newly reunited duo would head out to hunt for a still moving undead, whilst Pander would stay behind and search for more information on the vampire that started all this.    Jerrycoy, Thomas and Ushrír don't make it far into the ravines leading away from Crackstone before they come upon a peculiar figure. An elderly woman calling herself Kululu. She tells them that she is well versed in the area and will gladly show them the way. Not knowing where to begin their search, they choose to follow her.    Along the way some suspicouns arise, especially from Jerrycoy, but these were put aside in the lack of better leads. They finally make it to a cave after two days of travel. This cave seemed to be a witch's lair, with several undead just standing around, not paying them any attention. After treading carefully inside the group try to snatch one of the up, but thats when Kululu pulls a rope and collapses the entrance.    A fight breaks out as Kululu takes on her true form, that of a troll hag, but in the end the party is victorious. It turns out that the hag is a servant of Lazarus and in order to save herself from death she gives them information and allow them to leave with an intact skeleton. The party then made their way back to Crackstone with their quarry securly in tow.
Shards of Power
Ùshrir Akrul
Lawful Neutral Mountain Dwarf (Soldier)
Paladin 6
54 / 54 HP
Jerrycoy Lefouj
Thomas Gaston
Report Date
11 Apr 2023


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