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Torg Lightblade


"Orcs jumped us, killed my husband, raped me, and left like the cowards they were!"   This was the story that little Torg heard every time he asked about his father or why he was different from the others on the farm. Seven months after she discovered she was pregnant, Torgs mom gave birth to a strong young boy with green skin. It took five days before the new mother could even bring herself to look at him. The boy was instead taken care of by his mother's brother-in-law, who gave him the name Torg. His upbringing was marked by hard work and a strong contempt from his mother. When he happened to misbehave, he was severely punished, partly by his master but mostly by his mother who happily looked for reasons to discipline her son. Torg therefore already as a child began to push away all evil and disobedient thoughts, which after a few years began to manifest themselves as a pretend friend. When Torg did something wrong or misbehaved, he always blamed Grot. It continued until the day Torg's mother had had enough. That night she had drunk more than she used to. Torg threw one of the wooden spoons in the fireplace after he was denied dessert and then blamed it all on Grot. This became too much for the mother. She took a wooden stick and started beating the poor boy and shouted: "Who's been stupid?!" To which Torg replied that it was Grot. This continued for several hours until Torg finally admitted: "Me! I was the one who was stupid! ” After that day, Torg never mentioned Grot again. Nor has he been disobedient or anything but kind. But if someone were to say that he is stupid or has behaved stupidly, then Torg loses all his mental barriers, his pupils dilate until his eyes are almost completely black and another personality formed by all the evil and evil thoughts Torg ever had takes over. This manifestation calls itself Grot. The only way to get Torg back is to get Grot to admit that he is stupid. Like Torg did the awful night a long time ago.   His orcish physique meant that he could go out and toil in the fields with his master as a five-year-old. However, this did not mean that Torg did not have to go to school along with all the master's children. Torg was never the smartest of children, a trait he inherited from his father. But he never cared about school subjects, after all, he was much stronger than the other children. Something that the master liked, as it meant that he could work harder on the farm than the other children could. Despite his strength, Torg was never mean or beat the other children, but that did not mean he was accepted by them. Throughout his upbringing, Torg was constantly teased and rejected by the farm's children. Sometimes it was because of his green skin, sometimes for his fangs, but usually, because he was big and clumsy. Because of this, he rarely got to play with the other children and spent most of his time out in the fields with his master, where he toiled like an animal to impress him. The master was the only one who ever showed him any kind of kindness. This physical work made him into a very strong and healthy young man at the age of fifteen.    A few weeks before Torg was to turn sixteen, his mother became ill. When she was dying, his mother asked him for one last thing. Her last wish was for Torg to go out, find the band of robbers that Torg's father ran around with and demand vengeance for all the misery they have caused Torg and his mother. Shortly afterwards, she uttered her last words: "Take vengeance for me and everyone who has not been able to defend themselves." After that, Torg's mother fell asleep and during the night she took her last breath. After his mother's death, Torg did not stay on the farm for more than a couple of days. He had been inspired by his mother's last words, even though he never liked his mother, he wanted to prevent someone else from having to grow up in the same misery as him. He decided to find his father's gang and kill them all. However, he realized that he needed to get stronger first. In addition, he had no weapons. After a while, he remembered something he had read in one of the textbooks he received as a young man. He remembered a name, Iomedae. To this name had been a picture. An image of a woman with shiny armour and a long sword. The Light of the Sword, the Lady of Bravery and the Inheritor. Those were the names he remembered and they created a call. Perhaps it was with the God of justice that he could find his answers. The next day, Torg had packed up what little he had and headed for Nova Aera to find someone or something who could help him.   He began his journey east, across vast, hilly plains. It took several days before he reached the first village on the road, as he travelled on foot. He had already run out of the food he had brought with him and when he came to the village the first thing he did was to buy food for all the money he had with him. The day after reaching the village, he continued his journey east, hoping to reach Nova Aera before the food ran out. Four days later he ate the last of his provisions. It took another two days before he reached the end of the grassland. In front of him was a vast rainforest that spread out like a wall in front of him. The tallest of the trees were almost fifty meters high. Further on the path he saw three large dinosaur skeletons, one of which was missing a head. Next to them lay a torn carriage. He checked the cart with a faint hope of finding some food. But among the wood chips he found nothing but some broken fabrics. Torg began to doubt. Maybe if he turned now he could survive all the way to the village? He quickly realized that even though he managed to get to the village, he no longer had any money to buy food for. His best hope for survival was to continue through the jungle. Maybe he could find some fruits and roots that could be eaten along the way. Suddenly he heard a loud roar from the jungle. An almost deafening roar. Then it was quiet, way too quiet. Torg gathered all the courage he could muster and then began to walk with determined steps towards the jungle.   Inside the jungle it was hot and humid. The air was very stuffy, so much so that Torg had to stop and rest every two hours. This made his journey suddenly much slower. After two days, he still had not found anything to eat. The only thing he managed to get was the water that condensed on the leaves and that was the only thing that kept him alive. Torg began to lose hope. When darkness fell, he looked for a hidden bush to hide for the night. It took another seven days of heavy hiking through the jungle. On several occasions he collapsed from hunger, but each time he thought back to why he set off on this journey. He thought back to Iomedae and the feeling of bravery that had drawn him away from the security of the farm. He thought of the will to seek justice for all the years of oppression and exclusion he had to endure. He collapsed. The last thing Torg thought before he fell unconscious was: "How could I be so stupid?" When Torg woke up, he found himself below a huge wall that stretched as far as he could see. It's the wall of Nova Aera, he was finally there. Some distance down the wall he could see a gate. Torg began to walk on weak legs towards the gate, at the same time he wondered how he ended up below the wall. But those thoughts were far away when he arrived at the gate. Torg could now see into the city and hope was aroused in him again.   Instead of searching for food, he went straight to a temple dedicated to Iomedaeus, the god of justice, honor and bravery. Once he reached the temple, he was hungry, tired and weak after the long journey. He stumbled to the altar and collapsed with fatigue. When he woke up, he found himself in a small room. In front of him sat an elderly man with pointed ears. It was a half-vault. He wore a white sheet metal armor and wore a beautiful long sword. The man turned out to be a master of Iomedae's paladin orders. He had seen Torg's conviction and offered him a place in their order. This was an opportunity he could not refuse. He accompanied the knight to the order's headquarters ten days north of Nova Aera. A much nicer journey, when the knight had a lot of provisions and had even bought a horse for Torg. It was a nice light brown mare and the dhampir who sold the horse described it as completely brilliant. When they arrived, Torg was completely speechless by the majestic castle that the order called its home. The day after they arrived, Torg was allowed to begin his training under the strict supervision of the order. It was hard training. The first thing he had to do was create his own long sword, just as all the paladins of the order had done before. He spent long days out in the courtyard, training with his long sword. In addition to the physical training, he also had to continue the small schooling he had as a child, something he found very difficult. But the will to succeed was stronger than the anxiety he felt before studying. This continued for several years, but his dedication to justice and order quickly dubbed him a full member of the Order. Shortly afterwards, he set out to spread Iomeda's words and will. As Torg became more and more dedicated to the good, his hidden personality felt the call of Rovagug, the god of wrath and destruction. Torg's growing strength and divine powers also strengthened Grot's connection to the gods' sworn enemy. When Torg was dubbed and adopted the name Lightblade, Grot adopted the name Darkblade instead.   During his travels, Torg has fought many battles against the forces of darkness. He has liberated a village controlled by a weaker demon. He has defeated a half-dragon on his own. He has even fought undead gangsters in Slökport. But he has also committed heinous, indescribable acts in Rovagug's name. But all of this happens without Torg's knowledge and when he is confronted, he is always quick to confess his innocence. Despite this, neither of the two gods has given up on his fighter and hopes to one day win over control of Torg's body. But who will win is not yet clear.

Strong, Slow and Schizophrenic

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Year of Birth
3676 28 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Green


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