Treant Species in The Twisted Realms | World Anvil
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Treants, also known as arboreal regents, are massive, intelligent, sentient arboreals who tend to and protect an individual forest from the intrusions of the smaller races.  


Treants resemble humanoid-shaped trees and plants. They can grow to 30 feet in height and 2 feet in trunk diameter, weigh 4,500 pounds, and move slowly and deliberately.


Treants are grown from a single green acorn about the size of a human head. If planted, the seed will grow into a young treant after 5 years of careful tending.


Treants live in and maintain a forest.  


Arboreals are long-lived creatures who take a long view of life and history and rarely meddle in the affairs of short-lived mortals. They tend to act only to protect themselves and the forests under their care from harm. Likewise, many are solitary outside of times of crisis, or to meet in communal groups known as "groves" to share knowledge; the largest meetings occur only under the most serious of circumstances when a region's groves meet for months at a time to plan action against an especially large threat.   Treants have the ability to imbue normal trees with a semblance of life, allowing them to uproot themselves, move about, and fight in the forest's defense. A normal treant can control only two such awakened trees at a time, and the animated trees immediately return to their natural state if they move outside the treant's range of control, or if the controlling treant becomes incapacitated or dies. Treants can also cause great damage to inanimate objects or structures, a trait that is handy when they must destroy buildings that encroach upon their forests. Although they prefer to communicate in their own slow, long-winded language, they generally can also speak Sylvan, Common, and can also communicate with any intelligent plant creature.   Older regents and powerful arboreals have access to the fungi that connect trees within a forest, and can use this connection to sense danger far from their current location.


Type: Plant   CR: 8   Environment: Any forest   Alignment: Neutral Good


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