Esara Island Organization in The Two Continents | World Anvil

Esara Island

Nation: Esra Population: 43.2 million Establishment: 600 BGB Capital: New Eris Religion: No set religion Government: Oligarchy/Republic (High council and leader elected by parliamentary body Leader: Grand Esra Cornelius Pennywatch   Brief History: The Esra Kingdom is one of the few to have survived the Great Break, although just barely, and not being what they were before. Their records are believed to be intact, but unfortunately, those are not greatly easy to get hold of. I’ve put together what I could from my sources on Esara Island. I’ll give very brief info on what I’ve found on the Esra before the Great Break.   Most of the sources found date the establishment of the Esra Kingdom around 800 years before the Great Break. The Esra have it dated 430 NW, which I have not gotten enough information on their dating system to give more insight into that. The stories imply there were originally 4 magic-using kingdoms that mostly stayed out of one another’s way; The Esra, the Magicians, the Wizards, and the Witches The sense I have is that the kingdoms were drastically different from one another, some involving themselves in the politics of the world and others staying remote. One of the kingdoms, from what I could tell, their location was unknown. Now, I’m unclear if it’s unknown to everyone, or just to the non-magic Kingdoms. That part is unclear.   The Great Break, as it did everyone else, decimated the magic kingdoms. Two out of four were lost, the hidden one was never heard from again, and the remaining kingdom, which was the Esra, was in ruin. They received refugees from the remnants of the two known magic kingdoms, and the Esra Kingdom became the last.   The Esra spent much of the Age of Chaos secluded from the rest of the population, rebuilding their own society. This separation likely was a major factor in the mistrust that developed between the Esra and non-Esra. (Or “manter” by Esra terms)   In 236 There was either a collapse in government or a successful revolution. It is unclear from records. But Ifrane Harker became King. He seemed to establish a system of government that was at least somewhat oppressive.   In 384 there was an insurrection attempt on the government. The attempt failed, but several participants managed to escape, helped by pirate William Dark.   In 386 the Esra did not participate in the Final War, except for the escaped insurrectionists.   In 390, the escaped insurrectionists returned to Esara Island and attempted a second insurrection. This time, they were successful in overthrowing King Ember Rhys. The new government was formed afterward, resembling more of a Republic. The parliamentary body, which had little to no power before was granted much stronger powers, including both the selection of a High Council and a Grand Esra, who no longer had absolute power.   In 415, the Esra established embassies in several countries that allowed it, a huge step in improving relations with the outside. One of those embassies was where I am sitting now in Bluestone. The outreach would never reach far beyond that, but it was a step in the right direction.   In 502 Prince Henry Thomas of Rhone is killed during a diplomatic meeting with the Esra. The events leading up to this are to this day shrouded in mystery, but many theories point to a tragedy involving a love affair. Rhone follows by passing the Energy Accord in January of 505, making the use of energy in Rhone illegal.   The Dark Inquisition 505-510, where Esra in Rhone are round up and imprisoned. The inquisition is led by Martin Hammerfall, who oversees the imprisonment of 2345 people accused of being Esra or using magic, and forty people executed under the accusation of being spies. When the inquisition ends, most of the jailed people are released, and Rhone attempts to make up for the damage done, but the Esra never forgives them completely.   In 533 they lost control of the Bluestone base and took part in the Valentine’s Day Battle in 548 to retrieve it, one of the only times the Esra have participated in outside affairs. (Although it can be argued it was their issue as well) However, this incident will make them pull their other embassies. The outreach experiment comes to end.   In 590, a new outreach program begins. Four students are accepted to learn on Esara Island as Esra: a spheran, a Kalharian, a Valhallan, and an Osirian. This is the beginning of an exchange program that would grow as the years passed.   In 650, continued issues with terrorism from the outside allow the conservative party to get a lock hold on the parliamentary body. Over the next thirty years, they maintain control, and an extremely isolationist high council is put in person by person. The terrorist attacks on the Island cease for the most part as security is made a high priority, and the laws start being passed that increasingly are weighed against outsiders.   In 654, Esara Island restricts foreign exchange students from 1000 a year to 500.   In 657 the Hydroc Dominion declares the Esra an international threat due to secrecy and a general lack of transparency. Six other nations sign the pact including Valhalla, El Dorado, Osiri, Cibola, Paititi, and Aztlan   In 660 Esara Island restricts foreign exchange students from 500 a year to 350.   In 670 Esara Island restricts foreign exchange students from 350 a year to 100.   In 675 Esara Island restricts foreign exchange students from 100 a year to 50.   In 680 Esara Island passes law LI354, officially ending the foreign exchange program.
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