Kalahari Organization in The Two Continents | World Anvil


Nation: Kalahari Population: 55 million Establishment: 180 AGB Capital: Babacabanga Religion: No set religion Government: Republic Leader: President Bahati Musa (Elected in 680)   The central region of Riven was hit hard by the Great Break. Virtually no remnants of Concord survived the Collapse. Many different tribes formed during the Age of Chaos, but it was desperately volatile. Some tried to form alliances and make peace, but the notion of “the strong survive and the compassionate perish” was a common one throughout the entire Two Continents during the Age of Chaos.   In 135 a tribe leader named Bomani Dogo takes control of a wide area across the Greatland. He unites several, though it is out of fear and conquest. He is declared the King of the Greatland, and he reigns for fifteen years, expanding his power to the Red lake. He was brutal, but he held a firm control over his land during a time when control was an uncommon thing. It is named Shiie.   In 140, he passes at the age of 57 due to plague. His son Bomani II takes over, but is not the leader his father was. Opposing small kingdoms take most of Shiie land, and the rest of the kingdom falls shortly afterwards.   In 158 Aaliyah Kalahari establishes an alliance between her tribe and two others. It seems miniscule at the time, but the alliance survives a series of setbacks, including another plague. Realizing the land they are is not suitable for long term settlement. Although many resist, Bangura convinces the tribes to leave KutHule and travel north to the Red Sea. They survive a number of trials on their journey but end up in a place they feel they can start their settlement. They start the town of Babacabanga.   In 167 they send out messengers across the Bank encouraging all people who are in need to come to them. They begin welcoming refugees over the next few years. Babacabanga grows. Bangura succumbs to sickness in 175. While she is able to see the beginning of what she has started, she does not live to see what her nation would become. Before dying, she names her dear friend (many historians believe to have been her lover) Lulu Landisa as Queen.   In 180, Lulu Landisa renames the tribe from Babacabanga to Kalahari.   In 200, a rival kingdom, Boholo invades. It is led by King Boholo, known as the Butcher of the Bank. He is the most feared warrior in the Bank, and has already conquered several kingdoms. invades Kalahari territory. Kalahari is aided by the Ixidor Kingdom. Together, they fend off Boholo. Sean Ardennian I defeats Nombeko in combat, sealing the victory. It is the first known Ardennian warrior, establishing a long history for them as well. The Ardennians and the Landisa families would be linked together ever since, and the partnership would be the start of an unbreakable alliance between Kalahari and the eventual nation of Sphera.   In 202, Lulu Landisa steps down as Queen, passing it on to her daughter Breesi. She leaves Babacabanga then and is never heard from again. There is an old fable that a witness swears he saw her go to the edge of the forest where she was met by Aaliyah Kalahari, and the two left together.   In 386, led by King Okello Gowan, Kalahari fights with the Alliance against Marcus Lucian’s forces.   In 435, Queen Asabi Okoro has no children. Disputes begin to arise over who will take the throne, and the threat of war looms after her death. She makes a declaration to hold elections and effectively change the government to a Republic. The people rejoice at this, but a cousin Sefu Okoro, who had the greatest chance at the throne takes issue. In the 11th hour of potential elections, he mounts an insurrection to try to take the throne from Asabi. The insurrection is successful. Sefu takes the throne and becomes the Deadly King. Okoro is never seen again. She is assumed executed, but to this day it is unknown for sure.   The people rise against Okoro in 438 and the insurrection is quashed. There are harsh penalties that are censured by the Spheran government, Kalahari’s most steadfast allies.   A second insurrection is mounted in 445, led by Tahir Falade. A charismatic leader, Falade is able to rally the people to support the insurrection, and the Fight For Everything happens on June 5th. The people of Bacacabanga storm the palace, waging battle against the military. They lose many, but overtake the palace. Both Okoro and Falade are killed during the battle. Falade will go on to be remembered as the Liberator of Kalahari.   In 440, Kalahari establishes the Republic of Kalahari. Elections are held, and Oni Lobo is elected the first president of Kalahari.   In 465, Kalahari joins the War of Violets to aid ally Sphera against Rhone. They win a decisive battle that helps to end the war.   In 675, Kalahari joins the Cerberus Alliance with Sphera and Rhone to push back against the expansion of The Hydroc Dominion.
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