Marcus Lucian

King of Cillian, and an Esra, Marcus Lucian attempted to expand widely with the intent on taking over the Two Continents.   King of Cillian, one of the largest countries to rise out of the Age of Chaos, Marus Lucian continued a tradition of expansion that had become common for the realm. The only difference was he set his sights much higher than his predecesors. Lucian did what few at the time believed possible, and mounted simultaneous invasions of both Riven and Obsidan, all while holding a choke-hold over the Break. His armies won a number of battles on both continents, and in the Break, and was a threat to go further, before the Battle of Harper's Bay turned the tide of the war. Lucian was defeated in Cillian by an invading force shortly after, thus ending his reign.   Personality Lucian was said to be cunning and ambitious, as well as a master strategist. Many of his battles were said to have been won on his strategic planning. He was not very personable, and did not have many who were close to him. He is said to have cared strongly for his family, and ordered them taken from Cillian when it was clear the city would fall.   Death Cillian was defeated in battle by Jaya Chu, a warrior from Shangri-La who was a part of the invading army.   Legacy Lucian's military tactics are still taught in military schools around the Two Continents to this day.


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