Richard Donk Character in The Two Continents | World Anvil

Richard Donk

Richard Donk, also known as the Fool King of Rhone, had a tumultuous five-year reign that is widely and historically considered to be an embarrassment to the nation.   Richard was born in 440 AGB, and became king after his three elder brothers each died accidental deaths. Suspicions of his involvement in said deaths were put to rest simply because not many people thought him capable to do it had he wanted to, and many who knew him attested that despite short-comings, he meant well.   Regardless, his reign was filled with a number of alcohol and drug-induced incidents, many of which international. Donk showed up in his underwear for an event at the 480 Assembly of Riven, and when he was publicly criticized, proceeded to remove those and moon the crowd.   Donk also repeatedly mis-remembered important information about other nations, diplomatic procedings, and even the names of other world leaders. He was not known to be a good public speaker, but was somewhat endeared because he came across so foolheartedly. (There are those who feel this was an act)   Donk did achieve some good things during his reign, including increased workers rights, and several laws that protected indigenous peoples living in western Rhone.   He died at the age of 76, walking off his balcony and falling four stories down. It was believed he thought he was going into his bathroom, resulting in what an unnamed relative would call "The Donkest way ever of dying."   In 585, Prime Minister Elizabeth Hawkings famously responded when jokingly asked how in the world he wasn’t assassinated. “I have no bloody idea.”   To this day, being a “donk” is a common term for being a fool across the Two Continents.
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Skin Tone/Pigmentation
light skin
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