William Dark

William Dark was a famed pirate during the late 300's and early 400's AGB.   Dark was the son of an aristocrat from Jovan Bay. Records are unclear why he turned to piracy, but some know him claimed he was disillusioned with the corrupt government of the Alliance of the Break. Dark's views mirrored many others at the time, which maybe explains why he was so popular to common people.   Dark participated in the Final War, helping win the Decisive Battle of Harper's Bay. Witnesses said he appeared to "have a green glow coming from his hand," so it is widely accepted he was somehow using magic, but it is disputed how that could be. Some believe he was holding an ancient artifact, a clock piece from the @Clock, but the existence of any clock pieces are still unconfirmed. Either way, his actions at the battle only served to boost his fame and give him a following he would use during the coming War for the Break.   In 406 AGB the War for the Break started at the Battle of Ublay. It is unclear which side started it, but the Alliance won handedly. They won a series of battles until the Battle of Avion Cove turned the tide. After a decisive victory, Dark was able to rally the Pirate leagues and flip several factions of the Alliance to his side. The war completely turned at that point and the Alliance fell shortly after.   Dark survived the war, and faded from Piratehood after. It is unknown exactly what he went on to do, or when he died, but it is believed to have been 434, as his wife returned home to Yuma where she lived the remainder of her life.


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