Bogmoore Settlement in The Unbecause | World Anvil
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Bogmoore is the former captial city of the The Dreary Slough.   Bogmoore started off as a fort established by Luxish  soldiers, during the War of Signs. After their Pyrrhic victory, the remaining Luxans decided not to return to their homeland, as travel back to their homeland was deemed extremely risky with the small amount of supplies that had remaining, and thusly established the town of Bogmoore. After a few months of living in the town, it’s residents noticed that many of the structures were much lower than   Bogmoore is ruled by Glenn Gum, Duke of the city. He is overall disliked for his clueless and scared nature, and is seen as an obstacle of change for the poor residents of the city. It is generally noted that Glenn is in the pocket of Bogmoores ruling elite.


Bogmoore, like most of the Slough, is considered to be a less than ideal place to live, and thusly its inhabitants are a reflection of its dreary atmosphere. Most people in Bogmoore are either poor or middle class, and those that are not live in grand extravagance. Bogmoore is predominately Humans and @dwarven


The city of Bogmoore is constantly spending money on keeping the city continually built, due to the fact it is slowly but surely sinking into the bog of which it is named after. Due to the fact that continual construction is of course costly, and public officials are less than honest with its civilians money, only a few districts in the city are of any sort of liveable status. The only sewers from the Bastion, Stilwater Bend, and Greystone Shallows districts all empty into the Quagmire District


The Bastion Greystone Shallows The Greystone Shallows is both a residential and Floggington The North Wharf The North Wharf is the highest class South Wharf Swamp Docks The Swamp Docks are the main ports for trade into the city, and are typically very busy with merchant ships coming and going, these docks are the main suppliers of the Greystone Shallows Stillwater Bend Stillwater Bend is the north most and most prosperous neighborhood in Bogmoore, sitting on the north west end of the city, Stillwater has one of the lowest sink rates, second only to the bastion. Most of the cities rich and elite live here. The Quagmire Quarters The quagmire quarters, sometimes called ‘The Gum’ is a disjointed and poorly affected neighborhood of which its inhabitants are constantly struggling to maintain above ground. All houses are cheap, dilapidated, and hastily made, often times on stilts, and continually sinking into the mud, however at a quicker pace as this neighborhood borders the south shore of Bogmoore. The Gum is often viewed as one of the worst and toughest neighborhoods.
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