Excerpt from Orville Grundwall's Expedition Journal on the founding of Ravensgarde. Prose in The Unbecause | World Anvil
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Excerpt from Orville Grundwall's Expedition Journal on the founding of Ravensgarde.

"... And so, as I stood atop the cliff face, with tear in my eye from the hardships that led me to this location- the friends I've met and lost, the enemies I've made, the beauties I've seen pale in comparison, and the horrors are diminished and insignificant compared to that view which ensnared me there. In the grips of eternal sunset, i beheld the setting southern sun acrost the sea which I will thusly dub 'The Sea of Sorrows', for the beauty of this view which I am privilege is far to great for me, and the mere fact of it's existence alone, and that I may not live long enough to gaze upon it everyday, is truly a crime. There exists not a single natural wonder in the world as pure and grand as the dual isles, and it is here at this precipice that the founding of the city must be.


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