The Hand of Seven Circles Organization in The Unbecause | World Anvil
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The Hand of Seven Circles

An underground guild operating within the underbelly of Logansport with the goal of obtaining artifacts being hunted by The Vallish Inquisition , and save them from destruction. Led by notorious rouge Sylvester Anfang.   All other devious guilds from Logansport have been absorbed by the Hand, each circle representing a former illicit or outlawed group: Thieves Guild, Assassins Guild, Mages Guild, Cult of Adronike, Cult of Logan, Guild of Chambers, and the Gamblers Guild.   Located in the Brothel District, underneath the popular liquor store, The Ice House, lies the door to their underground stone haven, the thieves tavern, hosting up to 100 active members through-out the city, denotated by their hand symbol.   add more here


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