The unbecause The Great Gnomish Diaspora
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The Great Gnomish Diaspora

Population Migration / Travel


The Great Gnomish Diaspora was a mass exodus of the Gnome peoples of the Grand Abu'jaahir Desert, to the rest of the realm. Gnomish peoples were forced from the capital city Guhshwazza, by the people of the The Emirate of Al-Gahboul and the assisting extra-planar forces of darkness.

The Great Gnomish Diaspora, also known by the Gnomish word 'Semmeshuggizzabuh', was a mass exodus of the Gnome peoples of the Grand Abu'jaahir Desert, to the rest of the realm. Gnomish peoples were forced from what they believe to be the rightful ancestral holy land, the capital city of which being Guhshwazza, by the armies of the The Emirate of Al-Gahboul, receiving assistance from the summoned extra-planar forces of ))))).

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