Azure in The Undersea | World Anvil
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The Saphir'd King

  "Death cometh to every man, soon or late."   All things must end. This is the law of the Universe, a basic principle of existence. This is the edict of Azure, deity of death, twilight and fate, who presides over the Blue Expanse and the souls of the dead therein. As the final arbiter of existence, great deference is shown to this god and all Its agents. A temple called the House of Days can be found in nearly every Undersea city, regardless of race or location, venerating Azure.   Despite Its widespread worship, Azure seems to care about little beyond the borders of the Blue Expanse. Although it is unclear whether this is caused by the burdens associated with Its kingdom or whether it is simply apathetic towards the lands of the living, one thing is certain: Azure jealously guards its domain. To seek immortality, or to commit acts intended to extend a life beyond its natural span, is heresy of the highest degree. Terrible punishment awaits those unfortunate souls who arrive in the Blue having failed in these attempts.    

Other Names

The Western Star
The Saphir'd King
The Lord-in-Blue (by dwarves)
Annûn (by elves)
Behold the Blue Expanse, the final resting ground. Listen, and hear the lamentation of inevitability.

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