Clay Men Species in The Undersea | World Anvil
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Clay Men

Oh my gods, is that an animated statue? You wouldn't be wrong to think this, it would just be very rude to say so out loud. Clay Men are creatures made out of, well, clay, created on the island nation of Polythreme and regularly shipped into Fallen London and other foreign nations as a source of cheap labor. They have developed into a passable replacement for the gearforged automatons that used to work in Fallen London's factories and shipyards before the Clockwork Incident. Thanks to their boundless endurance and impressive strength, Clay Men make reliable and durable (if not clever) workers who are happy to go about their business in conditions others might find appalling. Despite this, however, they are generally viewed as second class citizens: working class at best, or mindless automatons at worst. It doesn't help that they have wayward cousins known as "Unfinished Men" running around, muddying the good name of the Clay Men. They would gladly help put a stop to the violent acts their unhinged brethren commit, if they could. The problem is it's just so hard to tell an Unfinished Man from a damaged Clay Man, and Clay Men have never been anything but realistic about their mental acuity.   Many of London's Clay Men reside in the Clay Warrens beneath Ladybones Road. They'd be happy to show you around, if you asked. So few visitors come by these days due to fear of Unfinished Men. That being said, they're really not the suspicious sort to begin with so there probably are a few of the other kind there too. Be careful.  


Tolerated, or at least ignored, by most, but viewed as an important cog in Fallen London's economic machine by the powers that be. Shapelings tend to be quite friendly towards them, but this is likely a classic "outsiders need to stick together" type deal.     Race PDF: LINK
by Spellsword95
100 - 200 years
Average Height
5' to 9'
Average Weight
150 to 350 lbs

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