Dragonborn Species in The Undersea | World Anvil
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The dragonborn are a proud race who trace their heritage back to the great Aeginae themselves. On the Surface they were keepers of order, a walking reminder of the powers that exist higher on the Chain. Afforded great respect, they bowed to no one: even the great kingdoms of Man paid them homage. In the Undersea, however, they are like a ship without a rudder: noble, majestic, and entirely without purpose. And abandoned too, as it turns out; not even Storm wants anything to do with them.   And so in their fifteenth year they strike out from the Presbyterate, their surrogate home, and seek their destiny on the open sea. Sailors, merchants, marauders, soldiers: dragonborn practice all professions, awaiting the day they are once again called upon by the Judgements to enforce order in the lawless dark. Above all, however, they seek the return of their wings. Apparently one day they just flew away by themselves, or so the stories go. Amid all of the heartbreak and listlessness it's easy to forget they are the naturally capable wielders of magic, similar to the (not so) mighty elves of Varchas.  


  Neither loved nor hated, most dragonborn are simply accepted as they are: another race who has found itself lost in this realm of darkness.
70 - 90 years
Average Height
6' to 7'
Average Weight
250 lbs

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