Dwarves Species in The Undersea | World Anvil
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Arriving in the Neath with the Second City to fall was taken in stride by the dwarves, who were accustomed to spending the majority of their lives beneath miles of stone and earth. The general lack of mountains was disconcerting, yes, but it turns out giant stalagmites are a fair approximation of them. Their stronghold of Thurim existed the longest of any city pulled into the Neath before being tragically crushed by the arrival of the Third City. On top of it. This tragic event made it clear to the dwarves that there would never be any return to the Surface; while other races pulled into the Neath look to the roof, the dwarves turn their eyes down further into the earth. There, they hope to survive the inevitable arrival of future cities.   Dwarves are respected as peerless engineers and smiths, rivaled only by the recently arrived vedalken whom they view as competitors in these fields. Although no great dwarven strongholds exist as they once did on the Surface, Thurim now exists north of Fallen London and the Tomb Colonies. Yes, a second city also named Thurim. Dwarves are surprisingly stubborn when it comes to change, and take great pride in honoring those that came before them. How better than to have the name of their lost home live on than to reuse it?  


  While some may view their pursuits as too earthy and material, there is no denying the quality of dwarven creations. Of all the races, dwarves are on the best terms with the elves and actually maintain the only embassy in Varchas.
by Lane Brown
200 - 250 years
Average Height
4' to 5'
Average Weight
150 lbs

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