Halflings Species in The Undersea | World Anvil
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Halfings in the Undersea are a displaced people. Though five cities have been plunged into the darkness of the Undersea, none have been halfling cities. Why this is, noone knowns. True, their settlements on the surface were smaller than those of the humans and elves; yes, they were a generally peaceful people who eschewed politics and conflict. Did these characteristics have some part in this, or is the prophesied sixth city fated to be a halfing one? Whatever the case, the result is that the only halflings in the Undersea are the descendants of those unlucky enough to be present in the five cities at the time of their fall. This lack of coherent ethnic identity has led them to fully integrate with the nations they fell with, and today halflings make up an important (if small) part of various nations' populations.   Given their fractional representation of Fallen London's population, a large percentage of halflings make up the city's merchant class. An inordinate amount of merchant vessels and trading companies are owned by halflings, and more than a few make their living as sailors and adventurers as well. An insightful observer might notice how these positions, when combined with a near universal acceptability amount the Neath's nations, potentially positions them to be capable and effective spies. How fascinating.  


Due to their lack of racial identity in the Undersea, halflings are on good terms with nearly all other races.
150 - 200 years
Average Height
Average Weight
30 to 50 lbs

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