The Chelonate Organization in The Undersea | World Anvil
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The Chelonate

The Chelonate is a society of hunters, a remnant of the time when the zee was new and full of life. Although Chelonites can be found across the Unterzee searching for a quarry worthy of their time and skill, the colony itself is located in an enormous turtle shell due west of the Gant Pole. Legends speak of the Chelonite forebearers slaying an enormous turtle named "Glory" as large a city that once ruled the Unterzee. Upon felling this behemoth, the hunters then fashioned a city out of its shell. Although absurd in its implications, it is hard to deny when the massive shell appears out of the gloom. Those brave or foolish enough to voice their disbelief while in the company of Chelonite hunters will soon discover just how sharp their skinning knives can be.   Though the original Chelonites were elves, the city-state now consists of an eclectic assortment of peoples. In this culture strength and skill amount to virtue, which makes it a place where even half-breeds can find a home if skilled enough. The hunters themselves are a fierce and individual breed who seek joy and honor in the hunt. Deep sea creatures are their primary quarry, though some seek more obscure or legendary prey in the hopes of cementing their name in history. Although the nation might not have great sway over Undersea politics, its citizens are respected for their general neutrality and highly desired as mercenaries.   Larger than even the tallest cathedrals of Fallen London, scaffolding and docks have been constructed around the edges of the great shell. The zee about this monolithic exoskeleton is a dark red, courtesy of constant stream of Chelonite vessels hauling in their latest catch. The stench of decaying flesh and miasma is heavy in the air, so pervasive that not even the zee breeze can disturb it. Enormous cranes lift slain zee creatures destined for the chopping block, while rickety lifts carry visitors up to the Outer Brim. Here, butcher shops and the huts of less accomplished hunters stand, dwarfed by the leftovers of the chopping blocks. Dishonored hunters or disobedient apprentices often find themselves tasked with "clearing the Brim", which amounts to slowly shoveling these offal mountains into the zee below.   In this culture, strength and skill amount to virtue. The Bone Men are as close to priests as exist in the Chelonate. Bare-chested and dusted with white clay, these shamans roam the Inner and Outer Brim blessing the catches of hunters. Apostles of Storm, they have learned to channel the rage granted to them in unfathomable ways. Ritual scarring is a common practice, and most bear symbols or teachings from the Mandate upon their body. Their mauls, however, are quick to dissuade any from questioning about these secrets. The greatest duty of the Bone Men is to venerate those hunters who fall during the Hunt. Families of deceased hunters will offer treasures at the feet of the white powdered figures in hopes that Storm will grant favor to the departed soul as it begins its final journey. If there is a tale of their passing, the Bone Men will inscribe it upon a piece of ivory or bone to be shipped to Scrimshander   The hunters themselves are a fierce and individual breed who seek joy and honor in the hunt. Deep zee creatures are their primary quarry, though some seek more obscure or legendary prey in the hopes of cementing their name in history. Chelonites who in foreign lands generally turn to bounty hunting to fulfill their calling. An outsider can judge the accomplishments of a hunter by the trophies they wear, the scars they bear, and the shade of their eyes. The Mandate, which governs how hunters should conduct themselves, states "One shall seek, take and consume according to their strength." As such, hunters will always carve an offering from their catch and consume it in ritual fashion as an offering to Storm. The blood of zee beasts, thus consumed, slowly alters the pigmentation of their eyes, dyeing them a dark shade of peligin similar to the color of the zee depths. Duels between younger hunters, seeking to prove themselves ready to captain a vessel, are common in the Outer Brim.   The geography of the shell is relatively simple. The Outer Brim is the industrial district, and encircles the entirety the the shell. It is here that butchers process the catches brought back by hunters and shops sell supplies borne of this work. Hunters skilled (or lucky) enough to survive to old age inhabit the Inner Brim, along with hunters permanently crippled during their voyages or duels. At the center of this colony, where the shell begins to curve, lies both the temple to Storm and the primary dwelling areas of the Chelonites. The temple sits at the apex of the shell's curve, as close to the False-Stars above as possible. Within this curved dome are the domiciles, sheltered from the weather and elements, the most extravagant of which are inhabited by the most successful hunters.   In the Chelonate, stories carry greater weight than any currency; outsiders who respect the local customs and can prove their mettle through story or steel are welcomed like family. Legends of past hunters and their exploits are told regularly, and every Chelonite dreams of one day having their own story told about a fire or table. The bones of zee creatures, left over from the butchers' grisly work in the Outer Brim, are carefully gathered for shipment to Scrimshander. It is upon these that the stories of fallen or heroic hunters are carved, to be incorporated into the ever-growing City of Remembrance.

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