The White in The Undersea | World Anvil
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The White

"The White comes to fulfill the frozen law."   Secrets, whispers, extraordinary implications: everything is a move in a great and mysterious game. Many such moves are orchestrated by the deity of order, knowledge, subterfuge and ice, known only as "The White". Unlike many of the deities of the higher planes the White takes particular interest in the Neath and its goings-on, although its motives remain a mystery. Perhaps its nature is to seek knowledge.. or perhaps it has plans for the place. Its worship is accompanied by some small notoriety, meaning most who make offerings or offer supplication do so in secret.   Those who seek greater knowledge, or perhaps a greater role in the story of the Universe, often direct their supplications to the White. If something is given something will always be asked in return, something asked to which there can be only one answer. Commonly depicted as a cold figure wrapped in a black cloak which radiates a pale white, sickly aura, often with no definable features on its face.    

Other Names

The White
That fierce old thing in the dark, that place of white and black. Recall that place, so cold after its season of heat.

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