Wormwood in The Undersea | World Anvil
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The Chained One

  "When the third trumpet sounded a great Star burning like a torch fell, and the name of the star was WORMWOOD. Where it touched, the water grew bitter and plants withered: a blight, but one from the heavens itself."   Once a Judgement in Its own right, the god now called Wormwood was stripped of this title for crimes committed against the Great Chain. Bound and suspended between realities, the ages have erased Its true name and purpose until nothing but Its image remains: a reminder of the fate that awaits any who would seek to subvert the laws of existence.   Followers of this being have only one goal: break the chains. Or Chain. Of course the means of accomplishing this are less than clear, so for the most part the believers engage in other activities which could be conceivably construed as furthering this mission. As for the entity known as "Wormwood" and why it was imprisoned, the whole matter is less than clear. Any stories of It have long been lost, and all that remains are speculative papers written by deranged religious fanatics. Which was probably the whole point of silencing It in the first place.    

Other Names

The Nameless
The Chained One
The Barrow King (by dwarves)
í Lantanwa (by elves)
Bound but not broken.

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