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The Underworld

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A subterranean realm filled with mystery, magnificence, and malice, the Underworld is beholden to the whims of the Archons, demigod-like beings who each control swathes of territory and fight one another constantly for influence and resources. For many years, one Archon lorded over the rest, Elder-Archon Viafir, and conflict was still common, but sparse. The mortals who live among them have learned how to deal with the fallout of these squabbles, and how to avoid the fickle wrath of their rulers.   It now nears a century since the Invasion of the Overworld ended abruptly and Viafir's disappearance shortly after. Since then, life over time has gotten more desolate here. Skirmishes and raiding parties headed into the Overworld had once allowed for the seeds of economy to be planted, watered by the blood of the fallen. But now, with entrance to the Overworld forbidden by Viafir before his disappearance, and most of the Ingresses allowing travel no longer functional, utilizing the scarce natural resources of the Underworld has became a necessity. Excursions into the mysterious and uncharted Outlands have ramped up in recent years, with intrepid explorers and adventurers braving its alien dangers in search of answers to their problems back home.   The Archons may have their myriad interests and agendas, but with the patience of those living under them wearing thin, and the self-imposed peacekeeper long gone, dark plots start to stir. And, for mortals seeking more interesting lots in life, change is coming.   Will ancient and malevolent secrets unearth themselves, potentially causing the collapse of this colossal cavern?   Or when that change finally comes knocking, will you lock the door and hide? Welcome change with open arms? Or kick the door down and throw the first punch?