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Neverwinter Located in the Northwestern part of the Swrd Coast, Neverwinter is one of the main cities in the area. Described by some as the Jewel of the North and The City of Skilled Hands, it has since fallen from its former glory thanks to destruction wraught by the eruption of Mount Hotenow. Neverwinter remains a friendly city of craftsmen, who trade extensively via the great merchants of Waterdeep; their water-clocks and multi-hued lamps can be found throughout the Realms. Neverwinter gained its name from the warm climate create by the Neverwinter River which is warmed by fire elementals under Mount Hotenow. It is in good standing with The Lords' Alliance.   Demographics Neverwinter hosts a large population of Half-elves, humans, and dwarves with small minorities of gnomes, dragonborn, eladrin, tieflings, orcs and half-orcs.   Government Neverwinter is a Lordship, currently held by Lord Dagult Neverember, as no heirs to the old Alagondar royal line are known to exist.   Defences The Neverwinter Guard known as The Green Cloaks is charged with defending the city and keeping the public order. The Green Cloaks however is made up mostly of mercenaries, hired by lord Neverember out of the city's treasury as few citizens are inclined to join. The Guard is capable and brutal when necessary but only loosely dedicated to their job, therefore whole areas of the city often remain un-watched.   Industry & Trade Before the series of disasters that brought down Neverwinter from a cosmopolitan metropolis to the struggling city it is today, it was the home of many artisan guilds which controlled the trade. Its mercantile arms spread all through the Sword Coast, down to Waterdeep and Balur's Gate.   Nowadays the city is a land of new opportunity for anyone wanting to make some coin. Without the guilds to regulate and strangle free trade, anyone with a skill can set up shop and grow rich just from selling within the walls. This free market has attracted many traders to the city's harbors recently, as well as the attention of other organizations.     Guilds and Factions A series of factions vie for power in the city, although predominantly power is help by Lord Neverember and his Green Cloaks. The underground of the city is ruled by a series of guilds, The Shadowkind an assassin's guild, The Back a thieves guild, The Zhentarim and The Graykin   History The first settlement in the Savage Frontier was an elven city known as Illefarn. Illefarn became a bustling nation after the time of the Crown Wars. Eventually, Illefarn was divided into three nations, of which Iliyanbruen was the most prominent. Iliyanbruen was weakened by orc invasions, which paved the way for Eigersstor, the first multi-racial settlement in the area, which would later be called Neverwinter.   Neverwinter became a center of civilization, peace and culture and was widely viewed as a marvel by visitors. This trend lasted, seemingly unbroken since its founding until 1372 DR when a disease known as the Wailing Death laid low most of the city's inhabitants.[22] Then, in 1385 DR, the Spellplague struck.   The century that followed saw the rise in power of Netheril. Netherese loyalists infiltrated the power structure of the weakened Neverwinter,[21] but their efforts were sidetracked by the eruption of Mount Hotenow in 1451 DR, so powerful that laid the city to waste and killed the ruling royal family.   In 1467 DR, Lord Dagult Neverember, seeing an opportunity to add to his financial empire, hired workers to help rebuild the city and Mintarn mercenaries to protect it from monsters and bandits; claiming himself to be a descendant of Neverwinter's former rulers and thus the rightful "Lord Protector" of the city, started the New Neverwinter movement. Lord Neverember has invested a great deal of his own personal fortune to rebuild the city's infrastructure, buy the interest of merchants to send their caravans again to Neverwinter, and even ensuring Neverwintan refugees had enough food and gold in hand.   Geography Neverwinter is divided into four different districts: The Protector's Encalve This is the most populated part of the city, a mixture of all kinds. Because this is the area where most of the nobles and aristocrats also live it is the area best guarded by the City Guard. It is also the most renovated and repaired part of the city. Notable locations are: Hall of Justice:Lord Dagult Neverember has established his base of operations here. The Hall is actually a Temple of Tyr abandoned during the recent difficulties. The priests have made some request to recuperate them and have been told to wait until a mannor is built for Lord Neverember House of Knowledge: An impressive eight storie building that was once the Library of Neverwinter. It was burned down during the Spell Plague and torn apart during the eruption of Mount Hotenow. It is now in ruins. Moonstone Mask: Set on an artificial Island at the mouth of the bay, the Moonstrone mask is the citie's fanciest inn and pleasure palace. It is staffed exclusively by women, all wearing moonstone masks and the whole place is warded from divination magic, mind reading magic and teleportation. Evenings here can be veery expensive, particularly if not spent alone. Tarmalune Trade-house: Very close by to the Moonstone Mask, the Tarmalune is the main trading center for merhcants coming into the city All imports and exports go through the Tarmalune house and therefore you can see almost any kind of wares being traded. Blacklake District Traditionally this is where most of the commerce in the city was conducted, however after the catastrophes of the previous hundred years the area became rundown and ill repaired. Recently a group of merchants decided to spear head a renovation movement in the city and moved back into Blacklake district, hoping to attract business and new commers. You will find here: The Beached Leviathan: One of the most notable landmarks in the city, the Beached Leviathan used to be a pirate ship and is now turned into an Inn and Ale House. It's proprietor, Harrag, is well liked and sought after. If you need an affordable place to stay that is also clean and offer great ale, this is the place for you. Market Square: A subdivision in the district, the square houses most of the notable craftsmen and merchants of the city. Among the notable establishments are Dannar's Mechanical Marvels, well known for their gnomish, lantanan and dwarvish clockworks; Jaesor's Fineware porcelain; Grag's Anvil for weapons and armor; Starshine Academy which specializes in herbalism supplies and 'useful' potions; and The Mute Lute, where you will find a vast array of musical instruments at exhorbitant prices. Driftwood Tavern: Close to the Beached Leviathan, the Driftwood is a upper-scale inn with inflated prices. While the Moonstone caters to nobles and aristocrats, the Driftwood serves upperclass merchants and traders. Madame Roseann, the proprietor, keeps a collection of the cities' relics in the main hall. Manycoins Money Lending: Formerly owned by a miserly gnome, there has been a recent change in management and members of The Hand have been seen coming in and out. The lending house still does its primary duty, that of making loans and serving as an exchange house, however the commissions and interest rates have considerably gone up. The House of a Thousand Faces: This used to be a sought after tavern, known for good music and the passing back and forht of information. It was also publicly known as a base of operation for The Harpers. However The Hand kicked the Harpers out and took over the establishment, closing it and transforming it into their headquarters. The old tavern was noted for the funny mirrors and life-like mannequins used as decoration River District Also referred to by the population as the Tower District, this area is notable for three towers that once stood proud here, now all destroyed. This area is the home of the poor, the downtrodden, the ilegal and the victims of xenophobia. The whole district is controlled by a street gang of thugs called The LADDS who patrol the streets making trouble for anyone for the other districts that they come across. Only the Mages the Shard of Night Academy command their respect. Notable locations: Shard of Night Academy: Located at the entrance of the district, this broken tower still stands, after a fashion. The base of the tower and its first three floors remain almost intact, followed by sixty feet of empty air after which the repairs floating remains of the last six floors hover in mid air. The Academy houses some 100 students of the Arcane arts at most times and is unwelcoming to visitors. The Fallen Tower: Nothing of the tower remains but its ruing and the first floor, where Vagdru the Earless (only one missing) has his tavern. The Fallen Tower is sort of neutral ground for any of the factions in the city, as Vagdru tolerates no violence and The Ladds respect him enough to obey. The Cloak Tower:Once the home of a wealthy and powerful wizard who fled the city when the spell plague began, it is now the base of operations for The LADDS. The tower is mostly intact, with only its top spires missing.


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