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Basic Information


Described by humans as "angels". These creatures are mostly white in colour and almost translucent. Their intricate nervous system is mostly visible beneath the skin, an intricate golden lattice that converges at a central point around what would be the stomach on a human body.   Faereal do not have arms and their wings are posed from the back. To complete manual tasks, they rely on their beak esc. mouths which hide two sets of teeth ranging from one to two inches in length.   Their eyes are pale blue and watery with two sat on the face similar to how they would be on a human.

Ecology and Habitats

Faereal thrive in sub zero temperatures

Additional Information

Social Structure

Faereal are very solitary creatures at first glance but in the face of danger or interest, they quickly form a massive pack.   They look out for each other regardless of transgressions, unless they harm the outward perception of their race. For instant, any faereal who spends time on Austren is deemed tainted and sent to the Naethkreal.


The faereal are too intelligent to allow domestication

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The blood that runs through Faereals is said to have healing properties, but this is only rumour.

Facial characteristics

Two watery blue eyes slanted towards the central pale blue beak. The pulls back and no ears are visible. The golden lattice of the nervous system also colours the white translucent skin.

Average Intelligence

On the human scale, they have been rated around 7. Other scales have rated them much higher.
720 years
Average Height
1-2 metres
Average Weight
110 kg
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They are white but almost translucent which becomes apparent at the edges of their bodies and where the golden nervous system is visible, converging at a central point. The same pale blue of the eyes and beak is draped across the shoulders like the beginnings of a cape.

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