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It was no secret that New Earth was not kind to its non-human citizens. She knew this, her father knew this and so did everyone else. Yet here she was at border control, trying to attain a visa.   "Race?" The bored woman at the hole in the wall asked. Landing on planets was not difficult in most cases, with notable exceptions such as T.V and other heavily protected places, but avoiding incarceration for trespassing in some areas was. New Earth was notorious for its policies on illegal immigration, even if the so-called "immigrant" was only visiting. The official name of the law was convoluted and the words escaped her but it could be pretty well summed up with "Don't Pass? Straight to Austren". She shivered at the thought.   "Chaldrenk" She responded and it was the truth, yet the woman raised her eyebrow and when the pass was printed it stated 'neohuman' alongside a less than flattering photo she hadn't seen being taken. There wasn't any other information aside from a petty theft complaint from five years (Four rens? Maths had never been her strong suit) that she wasn't aware had existed until now. Complaint. For Kall's life, a single complaint stained what was otherwise a transparent record.   At least it wasn't a complaint of trespassing, then she'd be in trouble.   With a sigh, she stuck the card onto her chest plate and ignored the looks of scrutiny she received from each policeman she walked by.

Basic Information


Most neohumans resemble humans in form and can be identified on sight

Civilization and Culture


Following the Great Escape, the human fleet The Populus scattered humans across the universe during their search for a new planet to call their own. It was a necessary act which had been in the making years before The Populus fleet had been constructed in order to conserve their finite resources. The second stage to this plan was to double back once the New Earth had been settled upon and bring the humans left behind over. Stage two never saw completion.   Many of the humans left behind died but those who did not either colonised planets or integrated themselves into the preexisting ecosystems. Over time, this allowed for hybridisation with other sentient species.   When the EU wished to catalogue the human population across the universe and sent out their expedition teams to do so, they found that these human hybrids vastly outnumbered the non-hybridised humans. Initially, the response was mixed from the New Earth population and their governing bodies but they did come to the decision to name these hybrids "neohumans", meaning "new humans".   Whether or not neohumans should have full human rights quickly became a hot debate. Eventually, the Earth Union decided that they would have to observe just how "human" each strain of the neohuman species was. After observation, the human tier system was created, a system that was not too dissimilar to the tiers that divided The Populus fleet. The more human a neohuman was in the eyes of the system, the more closely their rights aligned with what was popularly being named the "real human" race.   "Real human" was deemed offensive. Neohuman Rights Activist and Left-Wing Politician Aslam Dogra notably stated "To say that we a real is to imply that they are unreal. Humans and Neohumans are both real and to suggest otherwise is illogical"   After some debate, the term "real human" was ruled out and humans were referred to as "humans" and neohumans were referred to as "neohumans". Certain extremist groups still wanted something more differentiating and the term "true human" was coined shortly after this ruling by notorious fascist public speaker Molly Aberdeen. It was quickly adopted by both left and right wing extremist groups.   The tier system fell apart after the first 42 years of its installation when the divide between variants of neohumans became too blurred the further away from the initial human ancestor a neohuman got. This was also impacted by the banding together of subgroups of the species that were drawn to each other for both political reasons and for solidarity when facing discrimination.   Allllye Windsor, a neohuman who's ancestry was so divided between species that his race could not be named, said "When you look at me, you say I do not deserve even tier four. When you hear my given name, you say I cannot be above tier three. Yet my family name granted me tier two. The system is broken and we are in need of a new order"   With the collapse of the tier system, a blanket policy came into effect. If a neohuman became a New Earth citizen, they would have all the rights that any human would expect to have. On the surface, this idea seemed to be the solution everyone had been searching for.   "We have reached a resolution," Said Xania Williams, a neohuman representative of the Yellow Party. "Citizens of New Earth should have New Earthen rights, regardless of DNA"   But some people still took issue with the development.   Human Tolya Petrov, member of the Earth Union Court stated "New Earth has become a large scale institution. The conditions that qualify a citizen, neo or not, are suffocating in their restrictions"   Unfortunately for Tolya Petrov and those who agreed with him, the blanket policy was not lifted.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Neohumans are the result of interspecies relations
Genetic Ancestor(s)
The product of human hybridisation

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