Hadu (hah-DEW)

The Explanation

Du in Hamusu is a noun meaning need. Ha then is the possessive, collective form, meaning our. Hadu then is our need. A Niechela always bears Hadu, it is a burden of all adults. Children are free from Hadu, but after their Rite of Hudhei, that changes. Hadu begins to creep into their lives slowly. Jay begin to mine resources or craft for their myie, and later their syuth. Nlu go on more hunting trips with their mothers. Hadu begins to dominate their lives.

Every Niechela feels Hadu and carries it with them. Taking responsibility for others is a great risk and holds great reward in the matter of Hadu. The deeds done in the name of Hadu is their way of earning respect among their peers. Stories and legends are told of those who do great deeds, and their Hadu rises with the deed and spreads with the telling.

The Mechanics

Hadu functions similarly to Duty from Age of Rebellion in the Star Wars Narrative Dice System, with a few changes. But here's the crunch, all laid out.

  • Hadu is measured in a scale of 1 to 100, and has Tiers 0 to 5.
  • At 100 Hadu, the scale resets at 1 when the character completes their next deed regardless of the deed's normal reward.
  • The scale moves from 1 to 100 in increments of 1 to 5 based on the scale of the action.
  • If the action taken hurts others or causes need, Hadu is reduced by the same number it would have increased by.
  • Tier subtracts from the number of Hadu earned by each action, but doesn't add to the loss of Hadu by a failed action.
  • All characters begin at Tier 0 and Hadu 1 at game start.
  • Whenever a player character with Hadu meets another Niechela NPC, roll percentile. If the number is equal or less than the player character's Hadu, the Niechela NPC begins with a good attitude towards the player character, having heard of the good they have done. If the roll is higher than the player character's Hadu, the NPC does not know them and their attitude is left neutral.
  • Every Tier allows a number of introduction rerolls equal to itself. Use them!

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