
Sadly, Privation is a part of almost any era in the Unknown. These rules come from Adventures in Middle Earth, an ingenious fan setting for Genesys. I am porting in a house rule they made and using its implementation in the Unknown.

Mechanical Element

Many people in the modern world take food for granted. Getting the right kind of food can be expensive, but if all you care about is being able to eat, pretty much anyone can get ramen for about a quarter a pack. While traveling the wilds for extended periods of time however, food is a commodity. The unprepared traveler can quickly find themselves far from home with nothing to eat.

Rations are a necessity for any adventurer, and skill with hunting is helpful for when those rations run out. Survival checks can be made to hunt for more food, with the difficulty of the check determined by the likelihood of finding something edible. For example, Mordor's barren wastelands are going to have a lot fewer animals and edible plants than Fangorn forest (though that has its own dangers).

When food has run out, immediately before making their Trek check the PCs make Resilience checks to overcome the affects of hunger. If the check succeeds, they don't ignore Hunger completely, but instead suffer the effects of the state of Hunger one step less. (For example, someone succeeding a Hunger check after 4 days of going without food would suffer the effects of Hungry instead of Extremely Hungry.)

Hunger Guidelines

Mildy Hungry (1 day without food)Easy (d)Reduce strain threshold by 1 until fed.
Hungry (2-3 days without food)Average (dd)Reduce strain threshold by 2 and add b to all checks until fed.
Extremely Hungry (4-6 days without food)Hard (ddd)Reduce strain threshold by 4 and add b b to all checks until fed.
Ravenous (1 week without food)Daunting (dddd)Reduce strain threshold by 6, reduce wound threshold by 2, and upgrade the difficulty of all checks once until fed.
Starving (2+ weeks without food)Formidable (ddddd)Reduce strain threshold by 10, reduce wound threshold by 5, and upgrade the difficulty of all checks twice until fed.


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