
The nation-state of the Bnakupinze, built on the ruins of an ancient place from long before the Cataclysm.


Krandali is a strict society where hunters and builders reign supreme. The Lorekeeper is the highest ranking individual, until a new Spire Leader is raised. But that will not be done until a person masters every level of magic presented within the Crystal Spire.


Krandali maintains a survivalist culture of hunting and labor to continually rebuild the lowest levels of the Spire. Artworks like the murals on the Spire's walls are forbidden, and nearly impossible given their environment. Music is rhythmic and thumping, and spiraling, the Bnakupinze's form of dancing, is intricate. But free time is rare, and the majority of a citizen's life is spent trying to fight the constant outflow from falls lake down the two rivers.


The History of the Bnakupinze as Krandali tells it is contained in their myth The Spire's Fall. That myth's end was generations ago, and many doubt its veracity. Channeling enough magic through a person to hold back the oceans for even a moment is a massive mystical feat, but doing so changes you. It inundates the body with energies it doesn't have the power to handle. Our Leader of the Spire held the line through the cataclysm but it burned through him and destroyed all he was. So our ancestors, refusing to accept that price, used more magic to reinforce and heal our mages' bodies. That is how we became what and how we are, and when we realized it a final change was made. We used magic to fight change and were changed by it. So, after deliberation, we slowly let the water in, and let the magic go. Magic is a force of change, and the Bnakupinze - "Those who dwell in the Academy" - will shun it.

Now the Redhu (Lorekeeper in Krandalian) teaches us history and bans us from learning more of the magic inscribed in our walls beyond what is already in the blood.

Founding Date
Geopolitical, City-state
Leader Title
Related Species


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