
The Skill Categories

On your character sheet for the Unknown are five categories of skills in two columns, denoted as Common and Specialty on the left with Combat, Social, and Knowledge on the right side of the page. The Skill Listing here is not arranged the same way, for ease of reference because of the sheer size of this infodump. However, pay close attention to the GM about when you are playing. Certain skills just did not exist in certain ages, and there is an Eras section noted in the category of each list denoting which skills changed and when. Further, some skills become throwbacks to a different time in ages where they are past their prime usage.

Common Skills

Never generic, and ever useful the common skills are what you might use in day to day life, and most people eventually have a passing familiarity with most of them. After all, life in the unknown is hard and it is difficult to get by on raw attributes alone.

  • Athletics
  • Cool
  • Coordination
  • Discipline
  • Driving
  • Perception
  • Piloting
  • Resilience
  • Riding
  • Skulduggery
  • Stealth
  • Streetwise
  • Survival
  • Vigilance
  • Specialty Skills

    Specialty Skills are the result of intense training and lore-learning. People who have these skills drive a high barter for using them for someone else.

  • Alchemy
  • Artifice
  • Astrocartography
  • Chemistry
  • Computers
  • Crafts
  • Mechanics
  • Herbalism
  • Medicine
  • Operating
  • Ancient
  • Innate
  • Primal
  • Eldritch
  • Eras

    All of these skills are Specialty Skills, though in certain Eras some become vanishingly rare. In many ages, four skills merely change names - Chemistry, Computers, Mechanics and Medicine are replaced by Alchemy, Artifice, Crafts, and Herbalism in most Eras. It is important to note that while those skills may interchange, they are still all based on Intellect and all are available via the Anachronistic Studies talent.

    The Lost Eras

    The Lost Eras had forgotten much that the Mythic Eras (not a playable period, sorry) had not. As such, only Crafts, Herbalism, and Operating were in use.

    The Second Era of the Kvut

    The Second Era became a time of rediscovery as Alchemy and Artifice were added to the prior Era's Crafts, Herbalism, and Operating.

    The Third Era of the Kvut

    The Third Era saw much lost as the Specialty Skills were winnowed to Computers, Mechanics, Medicine, and Operating.

    The Fourth Era

    The fourth Era saw an intense change. ALL skills are used in FE games. Players choose between the modern Chemistry, Computers, Mechanics, Medicine, and the anachronistic Alchemy, Artifice, Crafts, and Herbalism on a skill-by-skill basis with the others being available through the Anachronistic Studies and Modern Studies talents.

    Magic Skills


    Magic is a natural part of the Unknown. However, people don't always know it is there or that it could be possible. Each skill has different associated Abilities and can access different spells. Innate Magic cannot be harnessed without an Intellectual understanding of its principles. Primordial Magic requires an intense Willpower to dominate the Beasts and Monsters of the world. The Makers respond only to those with the Presence to call on their Ancient Magic. And it takes a masterful Cunning to bargain with beings from beyond the Moons and access their Eldritch Magic.

    The Lost Eras

    No magic was possible in the Lost Eras. It was seen as a fantastical story from the Mythic Eras of the past and completely against their understanding of nature.

    The Second Era of the Kvut

    The Second Era became a time of innovation, and the skills of manipulating Innate and Primal Magics were discovered.

    The Third Era of the Kvut

    The Third Era was when Ancient Magic was rediscovered, as was Eldritch forms of Magic, but Innate and Primal Magic fell away as the world was drained of its own magical power and the ancient Monsters died out.

    The Fourth Era

    The fourth Era saw an intense change. ALL skills are used in FE games. Players can access the Ancient Magic of their Makers, call on the Eldritch Magic of primordial entities, and since the flow of magic was restored, Innate Magic became possible once more. With the flow of Magic restored, the Monsters and Beasts slowly reappeared and Primordial was practiced again.

    Combat Skills

    How to fight, shoot, brawl, and use the strange contraptions of the Jasuve and the massive weapons of the Zmai are all covered with the Combat skills.

  • Brawl
  • Melee
  • Melee (Heavy)
  • Melee (Light)
  • Melee (Common)
  • Melee (Military)
  • Ranged
  • Ranged (Heavy)
  • Ranged (Light)
  • Ranged (Common)
  • Ranged (Military)
  • Gunnery
  • Eras

    War. War never changes. That was Fallout 4's lesson. But, Halo taught us that Combat Evolved. Therefore, based on sound videogame logic, different skills are used when the ancient can of whoop-yo-ass is opened in different eras.

    The Lost Eras

    Combat in this time is simplified to Brawl, Melee, and Ranged. No big guns, vehicle weapons, or even the variety of weapons existed in this time.

    The Second Era of the Kvut

    In the SE, combat had changed. Weapons were varied, vehicles and mounts carried weapons, and while they were not the extra cool weapons of future ages, they did a fine job slaughtering things. In this era, use Brawl, Gunnery, Melee (Heavy), Melee (Light), Ranged (Heavy), and Ranged (Light).

    The Third Era of the Kvut

    In the TE, combat was the same but society had divided. In this era use Brawl, Gunnery, Melee (Common), Melee (Military), Ranged (Common), and Ranged (Military).

    The Fourth Era

    In this time, the world had changed. Combat wasn't as useful. Nevertheless, for some at least, it remained a way of life. In this Era use Brawl, Gunnery, Melee, Ranged (Light) and Ranged (Military)

    Social Skills

    Social Skills are for when you want to be sociable. Whether its an argument or a debate, a threat or negotiation, or even a bolstering speech, this is your go-to skill group.

  • Charm
  • Coercion
  • Deception
  • Leadership
  • Negotiation
  • Eras

    Being sociable hasn't changed much. These five skills remain constant throughout each Era.

    Knowledge Skills

    You want to know something? This is where you go.

  • General
  • World
  • Historical
  • Scientific
  • Mythological
  • Wilderlore
  • Occult
  • Eras

    Knowledge is power. Mostly. In the Unknown it can be damnation to an empty eternity trapped in a rock...but that won't happen to you, right? We'll see. Two of the Knowledge skills - General and World, don't change. Knowledge skills are eminently useful, though they are specifically about current Era happenings though. Your Historical Knowledge does not give you specific insight into the previous Era. Most of that stuff is, in the specific, forgotten and preserved only in poor, broad strokes in the General Knowledge skill.

    The Lost Eras

    The Lost Eras had forgotten its magic, its mythology. Only General and World Knowledge was anywhere near common. The study and acquisition of Historical or Mythological Knowledge required the Banned Studies Talent.

    The Second Era of the Kvut

    In the Second Era the world was changing. The Historical and Mythological Knowledge Skills were taught alongside the General, and World Knowledge Skills. Some madlads were even trying desperately to codify the working of the world and the magical energy that suffused it, driving the field forward with Scientific Knowledge. Some tried to understand and control or influence the wild beasts with that same energy preserving their Knowledge as Wilderlore.

    The Third Era of the Kvut

    In the Third Era Knowledge is split among that which is dangerous, and that deemed censored and therefore safe. The General and World Knowledge skills are available and freely taught, but the Historical, Scientific, Mythological, and Occult Knowledge skills can be unlocked with the Banned Studies Talent.

    The Fourth Era

    In the Fourth Era Knowledge is valued and ALL skills are available and tie in as specified above. However, one must have the Banned Studies Talent to open up the Occult Knowledge as a career skill.


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