
Tents are universal, though each culture makes them differently. Differing materials, standards and styles of size and construction, and finally the intent and decoration of these different temporary shelters make each culture's take on the tent vastly different and far from interchangeable.


Chaysh are Niechellat tents. Their tents are long and low, with the expectation being that the top is barely above the grassline if not below it. They are painted and adorned to be colorful and bright, in colors that do not blend in, so that they can be seen by others at a distance. Niechella tents are made of honeyed leather and are supported by long poles that form a crossing pair of arches. The posts are secured in the ground and the wanderer digs out an area between the posts before securing the tops. The tops are placed in a colorful cap of honeyed leather, then several pieces of honeyed leather are affixed to the posts as walls. The tension from the ground, the cap and the walls all pull the posts in different directions keeping it trapped immobile and securing it against the harsh winds that whip across the plains.

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