The Exile of the K'vut

Listen, young ones. This happened long ago, before The Long Night, before The Loss of the Sacred Water, before The Cataclysm. In that time, the K'vut were slaves. Born in the Sacred Waters of the Cursed Domes, taught only to work and labor for the Makers. Used for the labor of their bodies, taken for the pleasures those forms incited, the K'vut were as tools and toys to the Makers.

When the Makers set to war against each other, the K'vut were taught to read and write the Maker's Tongue. Their language is the root of our language.

When the Makers set to war against each other, the K'vut were taught to build their work-tools, as the forges of the Makers were busied with weapons of war. But some K'vut used tools of their occupied masters to complete their labors, and shared the secrets of their operation. Their tools became our tools.

When the Makers set to war against each other, the K'vut were made to suffer to keep the warriors of the Makers, called the Zut, happy. The K'vut would not take this insult, and rebelled against the Makers.

In response to their rebellion, The Makers exiled the K'vut, and struck from them the knowledge of where the Domes of the Makers were. Left to die in the Wilderness, the K'vut did as K'vut do and endured. Beyond any hardship, beyond all reason, the K'vut survive. In time the K'vut made homes and towns using all the Makers had taught us. We grew to be a mighty people and as we did, we built our own towns and cities all across the plains of our now-conquered homeland.

And then the Makers vanished, in The Night of Four Moons. But that is a story for another time.

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