
This is a new rule added into Genesys. I am importing it from another fan created setting, Adventures in Middle-Earth, so this and any headaches or glories it causes is thanks to their ingenious rules creation. Honestly, they have several cool rule implementations, this one just with the setting.

Mechanical Rules

Treks represent the time the PCs take to journey between destinations. Before their next encounter, players roll either Survival or Resilience checks, with the results of those checks determining what occurs on the Trek. PCs journeying through the frozen wastelands of Forodwaith might roll Resilience checks to handle the sub-zero temperatures, while those traveling through the dark forests of Mirkwood might be forced to roll Survival checks to find their way through the darkness.

Various circumstances can influence the Trek check, from the severity of conditions and outside influences to hunger and poor preparation. The check could result in everything from an ambush by enemies to b or b to checks in subsequent encounters due to lack of rest. A failed Trek check results in the PC having their strain threshold reduced by 3 until their next Trek check or until they are able to get a full night's rest in a town or home.

Spending Symbols in Trek Checks

a or tThe PCs find a secret path through the wilds, reducing the length of the Treck by 10%.
aa or tThe PCs find lodging along the way, allowing them to get food and rest.
aaa or tThe PC finds a large supply of food (fruit trees, huntable animals, etc) freeing members of the party from the effects of Hunger.
tThe PC discovers a hidden treasure, determined by the GM.
h or dThe PCs get lost along the way, increasing the length of the Trek by 10%.
hh or dThe PCs are ambushed by enemy forces.
hhh or dThe PC contracts a disease or other nasty condition, determined by the GM.
dThieves come in the night and steal half of the PC's gold


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