Dryad is a thick honey-like tree sap harvested from live Feywild Trees in the Sylvan Valley south of Illium. It is a precious commodity, widely sort after for its magical properties. In its raw form dryad is a syrupy liquid though it hardens when heated, becoming a powerful adhesive. When applied with the right chemistry and spellcraft dryad can be turned into a deadly explosive or pesticide.
Due to its scarcity dryad is incredibly valuable. Most common folk won't cross paths with dryad in their lifetimes, and fewer still can afford it. Feywild trees are virtually extinct in Illium's Sylvan Valley. But beyond the border, where the forests grow thicker and older, they are more common. One Feywild tree felled and split can be harvested of enough dryad to make its owner richer than the Petallis. Though courage - and perhaps insanity - is required to undertake such a task.