The Church of the One True God Organization in The Unknown World | World Anvil
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The Church of the One True God

The Church is the vast and wealthy religious order dedicated to the worship of the One True God. It has become one of the most powerful institutions in the known world, especially since the appointment of his Holiness the Hierophant as regent to the boy emperor. The Church is dogmatic, ruthless and conservative. Feared, masked inquisitors root out heresy and black magic, and the administrative justiciars have a heavy hand in Imperial lawmaking.     


  Since their worship was first observed, the twelve gods of the Dodecca all had their own dedicated cults, customs and sacred sites. The Lord of Justice was worshipped throughout the various nations of early human, but it wouldn't be until the collapse of the elvan civilisation in the Great War that the first High Temple was built in his honour. It was one of the first human constructs built in the new Imperial capital, itself founded on the ruins of the elvan capital Glasscastle. It was built by the Order of the Twelve - holy knights who immediately set about establishing centres for worship of humankind's pantheon.   As the Imperial capital grew the temple became wealthier and exercised its influence more publicly. Due to its nature as an administrative and legal centre, the Imperial capital naturally gravitated towards the Lord of Justice as its patron god. His worship began to outstrip the worship of the eleven across the Imperial Heartland, all the while the High Temple grew. The priesthood of Justice rebranded itself as the Church of the One True God, reforming its theology and hierarchy. With the emperor's conversion nearly a hundred years ago the Church became an all-powerful entity, enforcing its doctrine in concert with the Empire which had announced it as the only legal state religion.    The Church has increased its influence and power over the last century to a point where the Hierophant at its head is considered the second most powerful man in the empire. Church doctrine has been enshrined in Imperial law and the Empire's every corner are filled with temples and shrines to the One True God.     

The Church Today

  With the death of Emperor Marcos III just four years ago his infant son succeeded to the Pearl Throne as Emperor Marcos IV, with his mother the Empress Andromeda as his regent. After the empress's sudden death just one year later the Imperial household, bereft of suitable regency candidates, invited the Hierophant to act as regent until the boy Emperor comes of age.    The Church and Empire have become barely indistinguishable, stoking bitter tensions with the generals and dukes of the Heartland. The Hierophant has filled the Imperial court with senior clergymen who are becoming increasingly extravagant.
Religious, Organised Religion


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