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The Eldritch Hand

In the far north of Illium, on the swampy banks of the sea there lies a ruined black keep. There was once a cult of dark warlocks who resided there, the Eldritch Hand of the Great Old Ones. They work dark sorcery and rituals in service to the primordial otherworldly titans whom once ruled the world.   The Hand are legendary but whatever threat they once posed is long gone. The tower is a shell of what it once was and there’s but a few straggly old fanatics who reside there.   An entry from the diary of a merchant captain shipwrecked near the Tower of the Old One sheds a bit of light on the current state of the Eldritch Hand.  
"To call them wizards seemed false. Dressed in rags and gaunt of face they could be mistaken for beggars from the alleys of Marmella, if it weren't for their proud bearing and posture. My men muttered about cursed luck but I saw no other alternative than to seek their generosity. The wizards conversed between themselves for a full hour before offering us hospitality, though I suspect it was for more for our promise of salt cod and sweet spices.   The tower is a grim place and I begun to worry a sailor's suspicions of cursed luck may have been well-founded. Argo swore he heard strange groans in the night, as though something were chained up in the bowels of the keep. There was a stench of decay that seemed to rise through the very stone. I am glad to put the place behind me. I feared another night under their roofs and we would have lost all spirit."

Strange Lights

  Reports of strange lights from the Tower have been rife through in the ports and taverns of Illium of late. To the superstitious folk of Illium this is a poor omen in troubled times.
Religious, Cult


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