The Noxart Organization in The Unknown World | World Anvil
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The Noxart

The Lady of Darkness, a goddess of night and death, has a dedicated temple in the Imperial Heartland known as the Noxart. It is the home of an old order of assassins known by the same name. The Temple was burnt down in an arsonist attack some years ago that killed many of its inhabitants, though some of the assassins are believed to now be in the direct employ of the Emperor.      


    Though her associations with death and the afterlife have made her one of the more feared of the twelve gods, the Lady of Darkness nevertheless had her following in the Imperial city of Veia. Her temple and its servants had their own Oracle who could speak directly to the Lady and hear her commands. These often included the names of mortals who had escaped the Lady's clutches and required their deaths orchestrated by her servants.   Over the centuries the servants evolved into infamous assassins, and as their Lady's whisperings became less coherent the Noxart became a guild of knives-for-hire. The assassins were supposedly masters of execution trained in daggers, poisons and disguises. For a high price one could approach the Noxart and leave a prayer with the high priest, with the name of the target included. The buyer could expect their target, be they a business rival, greedy relative or a spurned lover, to turn up dead within days or weeks.   The Emperor's advisors sent agents to strike a new partnership with the Noxart. In the midst of the rumoured buy-up a great fire broke out in Veia and the temple was burnt to the ground. Imperial agents are still thought to be on the hunt for the culprits, though some of the assassins have apparently been hired directly by the Imperial Legion for their deadly skills. The Noxart may no longer be a functioning organisation but their assassins are still at large in the world.
Guild, Assassins


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