The Order of the Twelve Organization in The Unknown World | World Anvil
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The Order of the Twelve

The Order of the Twelve are an ancient and proud order of holy knights, dedicated to serving the Dodecca (the twelve gods of humankind). The Order are believed to be mostly extinct, since they were driven from the Imperial Heartland during the Night of Holy Daggers. There are rumours that a few of the Order managed to flee to a remote island, where they continue their existence in secrecy.    


  The Order of the Twelve have been around for over a thousand years, predating the Dawn of Humankind and the establishment of the Empire. During these early days the human nations grew and prospered in the Heartland, and a great many heroes rose to add their names to the history books. As worship of the Dodecca became widespread throughout this fledgeling human world their many temples required valiant warriors to defend their faith, prompting the founding of the Order of the Twelve.   The Order was key in the victory of humans over elves in the Great War. Legend has it the Order anointed twelve champions, each representing a different god, to lead a charge against the elvan strongholds. After winning numerous battles against the elves the great Godking Aereas recruited the Order as his personal retinue for the Final Shattering. Aereas conquered the Elvan capital with the aid of the Order, and established himself as the first emperor. He invited the Order to serve as his royal guard but they refused, claiming loyalty to the temples of the gods above all else.   The Order of the Twelve would often serve in Imperial campaigns to protect their gods or suppress the worship of demons and titans. At other times they would operate independently or locally, protecting travellers on the road, guarding sacred sites and seeking holy artefacts.   One of their famous exploits was the Purge of Pythion, where the Order defeated a cult of warlocks who had imprisoned the Oracle in her own temple. Afterwards the Order became the sworn protectors of the Oracle and did her bidding.   As the Imperial Legion grew in size and power and the Pearl Dynasty began to favour the worship of the Lord of Justice above all others, the Order began to decline. They were seen as a relic of a bygone time, stooped in myth and tradition. During the Night of Holy Daggers the priests of the Dodecca were butchered in their temples, along with many of the Order's holy knights. The Order of the Twelve refused to bow to Imperial decree and disband, and were killed or driven from the Imperial Heartland. Some say they still exist as mercenaries, shepherds, pirates or hermits. Whether these knights live or not, their gods are not as widely worshipped as they once were, and their purpose remains difficult to divine.
Military, Knightly Order


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