The Starry College Organization in The Unknown World | World Anvil
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The Starry College

The Starry College is a guild of astronomers who record, interpret and profit from the movement of the stars. They are based in the Imperial Capital but have a presence throughout the Pearl Empire. Some claim they actively practice dark sorcery and are more of a cult than a guild. Others believe them to be nothing more than musty old charlatans, selling their star charts and prophecies for safe passage around the Empire.    


  Collegiates wear hooded robes of midnight blue silk. The college has three levels of attainment. Novices are the initiates taken on by the Starry College. They are students who spend most of their time recording the movements of the stars and doing the day-to-day tasks to keep the College operational.   Once a novice completes their requisite five years of study they become charters, identified by the silver stars hemming their robes. Charters conduct the business of the College at the behest of the masters. They are responsible for the College’s financial management.   Masters are the highest rung of the College. Their robes are decorated with gold stars. Charters are only invited to become masters after years of faithful service, and are usually expected to finish a “journey of learning”, often to distant observatories or academies to expand the College’s wealth of knowledge. Masters of the Starry College make observations on the stars’ movements in relation to the record histories. They have access to tomes of records going back centuries, and they guard them jealously. The three longest-serving masters are known as the Triad.    

The Purple Comet...

  The Starry College is supposedly intrigued by this latest astronomical development. They have sent some of their scholars to Marmella and are inviting any bold adventurers to inquire about work - as further study of the comet is required from afar...
Educational, School/Academy


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