The Wandcutters Guild Organization in The Unknown World | World Anvil
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The Wandcutters Guild

The Wandcutters' Guild are a group of clandestine rebels, advocating for an end to the prohibition of magic in the Pearl Empire. They are craftsmen who carve, enchant and trade in wands and other magical goods. Whereas once when magic was flourishing and legal the Wandcutters were a powerful guild with a presence across the Pearl Empire, however they have dwindled in number and power. Imperial loyalists would agree the Wandcutters are nothing more than criminals and dissidents, but those more inclined toward magic often rely on them for fencing contraband and sourcing new tools for their spellcraft. You will not find shops sporting the Wanductter logo, instead you must know the right people and signs in a town, or know who to ask after.
  The Wandcutters have become an increasingly thorny nuisance for the Imperial Legion in Illium. As a more rural, frontier province Illium has plenty more hiding places for the magical. The ancient forests of the Sylvan Valley are home to many treasures, not to mention different trees and roots imbued with magic such as sylvanbark and dryad.  


  The Wandcutters are resourceful and unpredictable, though they don’t have much of a hierarchy in their organisation. Wandcutters in different areas and with different aims will serve a variety of purposes.   Most common classes: Sorcerer, Wizard, Warlock, Rogue   Most common backgrounds: Guild Artisan, Sage, Criminal   Languages: Wand Glyphs (written)   Skill Proficiencies: choose one of either Arcana, Medicine or Persuasion
Illicit, Rebel


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