Rule: Recognizing Deliverers
The Rarity of Deliverers means that the average person has a very low chance of having seen the symbol before. As such, the rules for a random person (outside of pre-set story condition) having prior experience with a Deliverer is as follows.
Rule of 3
Upon rolling 4 Fate Die, if 3 or more of the Symbols match, the individual NPC has had prior experience with a
Deliverer or at least recognizes the symbol of the
3 Pluses
If the roll is 3 + symbols, the person not only recognizes the Deliverer based on the symbol but has an inherent respect for the
Deliverer and their duties. They will either assist the Deliverer or treat them with greater respect or deference if possible. If initially hostile, they will recognize the
Deliverer as the greatest threat due to their position and potentially be required to make a Will save to maintain their resolve.
3 Blanks
If the roll is 3 blanks, the person recognizes the
Deliverer based on the symbol or recognition but does not immediately feel the need to assist them. They may treat the
Deliverer with greater deference or respect, but they will not necessarily seek to aid them in their duties.
3 Negatives
Should the roll be 3 negatives, the person both recognizes the symbol of the
Fatalists and has either come into confrontation with them before, been forcefully used as a Strand, or has had a
Deliverer take someone they knew. They will respond with aggression, whether anger or hostility, and seek to disrupt the
Deliverer in their duties.