Soul Vacancy
Soul Vacancy is one of the lesser known conditions in the universe to the point that few know of its existence. The condition occurs seemingly at random with little rhyme or reason. The oddest thing about the condition is that it seems to be able to fully remove a consciousness without altering a brain, brain patterns, or electrical impulses in any way. While there is no scientific reason for the absence of thought, the person appears to be utterly incapable of thought or response in any way though the body maintains basic bodily functions for the duration.
Transmission & Vectors
Transmission is entirely unknown. Researchers have theorized that it must be communicable in some way as it tends to affect multiple people in close proximity, but it then seems to spread no further than those isolated few.
Blank Stares, lack of physical response to stimuli, inability to communicate, lack of motor functions, and occasionally blood leaking from the eyes, nose, and ears.
There has been no successful treatments beyond long-term care of patients. No reports of recovery have ever been recorded.
Without long-term care, the victim will die of hunger or thirst within a few days.
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