Riverman Profession in The Valley | World Anvil
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While there are roads that connect the main cities and towns of the Valley, the river is by far the best method of transporting goods, people, and information. While the riverboats travel downriver, most only need a few people to run them, as the current does most of the work. However, Rivermen are hired by captains looking to travel against the current upriver.



Rivermen are, generally, considered unskilled labor in the valley. They are strong, burly, and capable of working for hours on end without rest.

Career Progression

While many men looking to make some quick money will sign on as a Riverman, there is a class of Rivermen that have been given a certification. Rivermen looking to make good money strive to be hired by Fischer shipping company out of Vedan, as riverboat captains who work for this company are authorized to hand out notes of certification to Rivermen who they see as particularly skilled. These Rivermen receive special benefits not only on these riverboats, but any riverboat they are hired on.

Payment & Reimbursement

Rivermen are paid based on the speed at which the riverboats they are on reach their destination. On top of this, Certified Rivermen are guaranteed a small cut of the sales of the goods the riverboat is carrying. There are also bonuses available if the ship is carrying fragile wares and none are broken in the journey.   Certified Rivermen also receive free travel downriver on most non-passenger riverboats. Uncertified Rivermen receive a discount or are given free travel if they assist in the riverboat's journey.



There are two types of ways that riverboats travel upriver in The Valley. The first is by poles, and the second is by oars. Which one it is depends on the type of ship that is hiring. Some Rivermen specialize in one method or the other.   They are not expected to provide their own equipment, as each ship is custom-built and may require unique tools.  

The Work

Riverboats that use poles have long, flat walkways on their port and starboard sides studded with thin strips of wood to provide grips for the Boatmen. The boatmen slam their poles into the river bottom and push the riverboat underneath them as they walk from the bow to the stern.   This method requires the riverboats to stay closer to the edge of the river, as the center sometimes gets too deep for the poles to reach.   Riverboats that use oars have higher sides and also require a larger number of rivermen. This method is generally faster than poling, but also more expensive.Depending on the size of the ship, they either have boatmen paddle with their oars while leaning partially over the side, or they sit on benches and pull on the oars.

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Jan 21, 2024 14:53 by Ben Kmeczik

Great article, nicely detailed :)