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Vampires vs Witches

General Summary

  • Details about situation
  • Vampires and Witches are generally violent towards each other, as they are wary of each other
  • Keller Ridpath etc have built an effigy in the south east
  • We are south west
  • Steve Van Helsing has some British coins, but also some are French (2 coins) and could be wanted by the Goblins
  • Rima has currency from other countries but not on him, he has hidden his foreign money incase Steve Van Helsing gets triggered by a foreign coin from the Ottoman empire
  • Keller Ridpath
  • Uses sense the beast to find a wild animal, and does it very well
  • He senses Rima's Wolf and the link between Rima and the wolf
  • He expands the sense to the village and feels intense anger and violence from the people in the village, one has an intense mind like fire with anger and he is looking for Rima and the other, he/she is standing right next to the bonfire
  • Keller Ridpath feels wolf in north west corner
  • Keller Ridpath confirms there are 18 Witches in the village
  • Keller Ridpath and Rima take willpower damage -1
  • After sensing
  • Keller Ridpath is terrified
  • Rima reveals his companion is a wolf for the first time
  • Keller Ridpath senses a deer and leaves as he says hes going to do something with it...
  • Rima suggests using totem to summon Goblins,
  • Suggests people hide their money except 2 out of the 4 French coins
  • He takes it out and the Goblins appear
  • Goblins said they knew a Witch named Mary-Anne, who tried to cook and eat the Goblins but they thought she was playing
  • Mary-Anne died and was buried on a mountain with a gravestone
  • Goblins think other Witches are pricks
  • Rima mentionsSteve Van Helsing's French coins, they go to inspect them and take one then vanish
  • Keller Ridpath off hunting for deer
  • Sees a deer
  • Tries to throw a spear at it and the deer runs but Keller Ridpath throws the spear with all his strength (beasital failure) and it goes into the village directly into the fire
  • There is a scream that becomes a roar after the spear enters the fire, the fire also seems to react to the spear
  • A woman then steps out of the fire wearing a cap, and her leathery clothes are covered in fire, and she is looking where the spear came from
  • Everyone hides except Keller Ridpath who is heading back
  • She has a small piece of wood in her shoulder which is burning
  • As she left the fire, the bonfire dies down into a normal fire the size of a person
  • The fire on the woman's costume dies down
  • (Witches might not like water)
  • She was the person Keller Ridpath and Rima sensed
  • Other Witches are now gathering around the woman and discussing things
  • Reacting to the emergence of the main Witch
  • Steve Van Helsing uses some rope to get the deer
  • Rima starts jogging clockwise towards where the wolf is, the fire is near the entrance on the other side
  • The woman is signalling Witches to spread out and they seem to have search parties
  • Keller Ridpath runs towards captured deer kills it and starts butchering/skinning it
  • Keller Ridpath removes the deer's leg and head, his plan is to make him self look more intimidating using the deers body and blood
  • Will Drummond starts following Rima, light jogging also
  • Rima is throwing coins into the village which are distracting some of the Witches
  • Some Witches are coming out of the village to investigate now
  • Steve Van Helsing lights the effigy, Keller Ridpath smashes trees and makes a lot of noise while roaring, he then leaps out of a tree and roars "I am Billinus, worship me!" (he is trying to emulate a fire god)
  • Keller Ridpath's display has taken a lot of attention from the Witches and some are frozen
  • The main Witch from the bonfire bursts towards the effigy like a rocket, lunging forward and being propelled by fire
  • Rima speeds up, but Will Drummond (bestial failure) tries to speed up and ends up trying to take a shortcut through the village, but as soon as he tries to get over the wall his clothes catch on fire and he is deflected
  • As the main Witch races towards the burning effigy, Keller Ridpath roars "Pure of heart, come forth and be judged by fire!",Steve Van Helsing starts preparing his crossbow (with metal bolts) targeting the main Witch but she is moving fast, still inside the village, intending to go over the wall.
  • Keller Ridpath ends up in a fury frenzy
  • Rima summons Goblins again, Kyle appears, they like the coin, and Rima asks them to bring the biggest pot of water they can, he also puts on the necklace from the lady and making it visible
  • Will Drummond is on fire and he lands in some mud and starts rolling to put it out, and the mud puts out the fire, Will Drummond gets up and continues running
  • The Witches at this point are just watching the main Witch, she is focussed on Keller Ridpath and jumps over the wall and makes a big display of wings of fire around the area where Keller Ridpath andSteve Van Helsing are, her body above the ribcage is covered in fire
  • Steve Van Helsing aims below the ribcage which has no fire covering it, fires the bolt and it hits her in her side, she takes damage
  • Rima gets to the end of the wall where there is a triangular cage, where there is the only corner for the village. One of the Goblins also appears and says they found a pot with water and asks where to put it, Rima says on the bonfire in the village
  • Keller Ridpath and the main Witch are now fighting, and Keller Ridpath tries to take her head of but she pushes back and there is no damage
  • Steve Van Helsing tries to shoot her again but he misses
  • Keller Ridpath (messy critical) tries again and manages to take off her head, but she does not bleed, she just erupts in flames and Keller Ridpath is caught in an inferno, and takes 3 points of damage
  • Keller Ridpath shouts to the followers that since he has defeated the leader, he is their god and he tells them to jump into the fire but they are too stunned to move
  • Rima manages to tell the Goblins to pour the water into the fire and the village goes dark, except for the fire from Keller Ridpath on fire, he then tries to jump over the wall and succeeds, he then shouts "their magic is down" and the 2 Witches near the cage turn
  • Will Drummond jumps over the wall after hearing Rima, Rima then attacks one of the Witches and ends up on the ground on top of them trying to stab them, same happens to Will Drummond
  • Keller Ridpath is still on fire and tries to roll on the floor to put the fire out, but it doesn't work to- well, he then gets up and jumps (light as a feather) towards the Witches as a fireball (takes 1 point of damage)
  • Rima and Will Drummond are struggling, Witches end up on top of Will Drummond and Rima, then Rima bites one of the Witches and starts drinking blood, but their blood has a taste of fire (they are not high level witches)
  • Steve Van Helsing fires a shot at a Witch, does not manage to kill but hurts them
  • Keller Ridpath lands near some Witches and keeps spinning on fire
  • Will Drummond grabs some dirt and tries to get it in her eyes, this just distracts her
  • Rima is still biting and wrestling her while drinking blood
  • Keller Ridpath manages to roll around and get the fire out and there is no more light, he takes 1 more damage
  • Rima is still biting and wrestling her while drinking blood
  • Will Drummond struggles, tries to fight back but doesn't succeed
  • A Witch near Keller Ridpath has taken out some potions in glass and uncorking, one is running away. Keller Ridpath slaps the potions out of the Witch's hands and there is a small explosion where they land
  • Steve Van Helsing tries to fire at a Witch and misses
  • Will Drummond plays dead, and the Witch trying to kill him stops and gets up and goes to help the Witch on Rima
  • Rima still biting and struggling, and tries to use Presence, he succeeds and the Witch gets off him thinking hes one of the good guys. While she has her bags back to Rima, he gets up and screams "for the glory of the Queen and England" (loud enough for the village to hear) then stabs her in the back
  • The other Witch on Will Drummond is stunned by this, then Rima strikes the Witch and knocks her out, she will be out for a while, and wakes Will Drummond up
  • Will Drummond turns his attention to the cage with the wolf and successfully picks the lock
  • Keller Ridpath attacks other Witches while still in a frenzy
  • Note: Recovering health happens when sleeping
  • End of the session
  • 14 Witches still alive at this point
  • Will Drummond just got Rima's Wolf out
  • Rima is feeding (-1 hunger)
  • Keller Ridpath is feeding (-1 hunger)
  • Steve Van Helsing is feeding (-1 hunger)
    Report Date
    06 Jun 2022


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