BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 11

Rima lead the Scots to the gates of Loch Leven Castle, they were held open and the flood of ferocious townsfolk marched in, more of a horde than a troop.   But their swift and overpowering determination made quick work of the disoriented Englishmen and their defunct rifles.   Finally, the last four soldiers were found holding hostages at sword point.   after being talked down by the silver tonged will, well, one of the soldiers, Thompson, so shocked by the supposed King's Guard's betrayal, took his own life. Leaving the three remaining soldiers in a panic fleeing.   Steve quick to action took shot after shot taking out one, while Keller and Will tackled and chased into the kitchen the last two respectively.   With plans to take the two survivors into the cells, for "questioning", we re-join our troop.


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